Observa de cerca el mundo a tus pies y encontrarás muchos más insectos de los que imaginas. Este libro, INSECTOS, brinda fabulosas imágenes y datos increíbles. Los jóvenes lectores se sentirán inspirados al conocer un experto en insectos y aprender sobre cómo un escarabajo salvó a Australia.
Favorite topics in active and interactive print and digital books, specially designed for newly confident readers.
Look closer at the world at your feet and you will find there is more to bugs than meets the eye. BUGS features stunning close-up images combined with weird and wonderful bug facts. The book takes a 360 degree view of the natural history, history, and human impact of mini-beasts. It covers more than just insects, featuring other land invertebrates such as spiders, centipedes, worms, and snails. It delves into prehistory to show the ancient, giant ancestors of today’s creatures. Young naturalists will be inspired by meeting an insect explorer and expert and reading about how a beetle saved Australia. You can even find out how to make a bug snack!
Explains what tropical rain forests are like, looks at the plants and animals that live in rain forests, and includes information on why tropical rain forests are important and what is being done to save them.
How much rain does a tropical rain forest receive each year?
At least 100 inches (254 centimeters) of rain fall each year. They're called rain forests for a reason!
The Rain and Heat.
Layer upon layer.
A crowded space.
The rain forest's many uses.
Delicate balance.
True statistics, Resources, Important words, Index, About the author.
True Books have been upgraded and updated. Information is presented in a thorough yet engaging manner, featuring lively sidebars, a glossary, visual back matter, and an index.
This book briefly examines the geology and environment of deserts, as well as the people and animals who make them their homes.
The BIG TRUTH! The desert weather report. What is the forecast for today?
The average scorpion is about 2.5 inches (6 centimeters) long.
Exploring the Desert. What are deserts, and where are they found?
With sand and wind. How does nature make a desert in the first place?
Man-made deserts. How have people and cities changed the deserts of the world?
Home, sweet desert home. How can people possibly live in some of the world's deserts?
Wildlife under the sun. What kinds of plants and animals survive in deserts?
True statistics, Resources, Important words, Index, About the author.
True Books have been upgraded and updated. Information is presented in a thorough yet engaging manner, featuring lively sidebars, a glossary, visual back matter, and an index.
Science as inquiry is the core of this dynamic, investigative, high-interest series which focuses on the science and technology used to solve real-life crimes and mysteries, and includes chapter summaries, reading cues, and sidebar interviews.
True Books have been upgraded and updated. Information is presented in a thorough yet engaging manner, featuring lively sidebars, a glossary, visual back matter, and an index. Inside you'll find:
* The name of China's boy emperor;
* A map, a time line, photos - and the reason for building the Great Wall of China;
* Surprising, TRUE facts that will shock and amaze you.
Upgraded and updated, True Books present information in a thorough yet engaging manner, featuring lively sidebars, a glossary, visual back matter, and an index.
El objetivo de esta obra es proporcionar al lector, tanto para el escolar como para el que realiza una consulta esporádica, un completo y atractivo panorama de las partes que constituyen la Tierra. Las numerosas ilustraciones, de gran claridad y precisión, se acompañan con breves notas sobre el origen, el desarrollo y las transformaciones que experimenta nuestro planeta. Una introducción acerca de los aspectos generales de las ciencias auxiliares que contribuyen al conocimiento del mismo, y un detallado índice alfabético de materias, incrementan el valor práctico y didáctico de este excepcional volumen.
Science as inquiry is the core of this dynamic, investigative, high-interest series which focuses on the science and technology used to solve real-life crimes and mysteries, and includes chapter summaries, reading cues, and sidebar interviews.
Animals. American History. Earth Science. Geography. Health. Space. True Books covers all this and more in photo-filled chapter books that provide a basic introduction to curriculum-relevant topics. Ideal for today's young investigative reader, each True Book includes lively sidebars, a glossary and an index, plus a comprehensive To Find Out More section listing books, organizations, and Internet sites. A staple of library collections since the 1950s, and redesigned with a fresh new look in 1996, the new True Books series is the definitive nonfiction series for elementary school readers.
From early successes such as Steamboat Willie and the Merrie Melodies series to modern masterpieces such as WALL-E and Spirited Away, the world of animated film and television has come a long way since its beginning. Readers will trace the history of animation from its earliest roots to its most recent successes and beyond. They will also learn about the different types of artists, engineers, and filmmakers who have made this incredible blend of art and technology possible throughout the decades. The complex text in this title allows readers to determine the main idea and explain how it is supported by key details. The diagrams, charts, and graphs add clarity and help students navigate the text.
In 1942, a man-made craft was launched into outer space for the first time in history. Since then, many of the world’s best and brightest minds have dedicated themselves to exploring the furthest reaches of the universe. Readers will learn about some of the greatest space missions in history and find out what today’s top engineers and scientists are doing to advance space exploration to new heights. They will also find out what it takes to begin a career in space exploration and how different workers can fill a variety of roles in the quest to reach distant planets and stars.
From the ancient Greeks to the people living today, we have long been fascinated by the idea of robots. Today, things that once seemed like science fiction are becoming reality. Readers will learn how some of today’s most innovative thinkers are creating advanced robot technology. They will also find out how robotics technology has developed over more than a century and how to break into the industry themselves.
War has been a fact of life ever since the dawn of civilization. But while armies once charged into battle with little more than wooden clubs or stone axes, centuries of innovation have led to a wide range of powerful and efficient weaponry. Readers will trace the history of weapons and other military technology, including such developments as guns, tanks, and guided missiles. They will also learn what today’s top engineers and scientists are working on and how these new weapons could change the way wars are fought.
From the food we eat to the air we breathe, plants are responsible for keeping the people on this planet alive.
A True Book: Incredible Plants series introduces young investigative readers to many types of unusual and typical plants from photosynthesis, how they grow, and ways they survive in extreme environments. This series includes an age appropriate (grades 3-5) introduction to curriculum-relevant subjects and a robust resource section that encourages independent study.Check out how plants have helped shape our society, and how we have in turn researched and reshaped plants into food, clothes, decorations, medicines, and many other wonders.
This comprehensive guide to organic gardening will help you create a steady supply of organically-grown fruits, vegetables, herbs, and flowers all year round. Includes the latest information on how to find, choose, and grow plants that thrive without synthetic chemicals. Learn how to:
Plant traditional varieties, known as Heirloom plants, that were developed before the use of pesticides and fertilizers
Select regional varieties adapted to your climate and location
Increase your bounty by repurposing seeds from your own garden
Discourage pests while encouraging beneficial insects and birds
Includes a beautifully illustrated, A-to-Z directory of 250 varieties of vegetables, fruits, nuts, and herbs. Detailed entries include when to sow, plant, and harvest; cultivation information; and the top ten health-enhancing fruits and vegetables.
When Kate Middleton married Prince William of the United Kingdom in 2011, she was immediately thrust into the worldwide spotlight. Readers will learn all about Middleton’s life, from what her childhood was like, to how she met Prince William, to how her world changed when she became part of the British royal family.
Why did a million people line the streets of London, England, on April 29, 2011?
They were hoping to catch a glimpse of Kate Middleton and Prince William, who were on their way to be married in a Royal Wedding.
Inside, you'll find:
What Kate's early life was like and how she met Prince William;
A timeline, photos - and what role Kate plays as the Duchess of Cambridge;
Surprising TRUE facts that will shock and amaze you!
With eight snaking arms and a shapeless body, the octopus is unlike any other animal in the ocean.
Readers will learn about various aspects of the octopus, including its high intelligence level, its masterful ability for camouflage and other defense mechanisms, and its reproductive behavior. Squids and other octopus relatives are also discussed.
Filled with dramatic underwater images by award-winning photographer David Hall, each book in the Undersea Encounters series brings you face to face with remarkable creatures, from pygmy seahorses the size of a fly to giant squid as long as a school bus.