It's a sad moment when a young boy discovers he doesn't have enough money to buy the waggely tailed dog he sees in the pet store window, so he's decided to make some money. At the end of the week he realized the dog wasn't there. Who's the lucky one?
A strong educational foundation helps ensure a child is able to benefit from the learning opportunities available at kindergarten. In this Workbook: Phonics, children in kindergarten can practice their reading skills in a more in-depth way.
Who says princesses have to be perfect? Princess Rosie is in charge of organizing the Royal Talent Show! With all of Petrovia rehearsing their talents. But this year's extra special because Rosie's favorite pop star, Bella Fierece, is judging!
Another version "The Three Blind Men and the Elephant".
The villagers hear of a mysterious creature from India, they try to find out what it is. "It's like a snake!", "It's like a tree trunk," "No, it's like a fan!" argues the third. Who is right?
Best friends always stick together -- especially when they are in trouble! Ricky Ricotta and his Mighty Robot always watch out for each other -- that's what friends are for! This time, they've managed to mangle the Ricotta Family's minivan.
Wouldn't it be great to have a Robot so that nobody would ever mess with you again? But with giant friends come giant responsibilities. The evil Victor Von Vulture and his army of Voodoo Vultures from Venus are about to take over planet Earth.
Mr. Winky is fond of his noisy clock shop until Mr. Glum comments on the awful noise that is. Bothered by the constant tick tocks, Mr. Winky decides to leave, but he can't find any peace. Before long, he can't wait to get back to his noisy shop.
Gentle giants or giant monsters? Jack and Annie travel in the Magic Tree House to the mountains of Africa. They meet a group of amazing and frightening mountain gorillas. Annie knows how to play with the creatures right away. But Jack is left out.
Join Lian's Tanner adventurer book! This amazing book "Museum of Thieves" is a thrilling tale of destiny and danger, and of a courageous girl who has never been allowed to grow up-until now.
Poor Dog. He's awfully hot! But Mom won't share her lemonade. Cat won't share his shady spot on the porch. And Skunk's making a real stink about sharing his hollow log. What does a hot Dog have to do to get cool?
A True Book: Space series dives into the many components that make each planet distinctive and exceptional, as well as explore many of the other components that make up Space.
Ms. Frizzle's class is putting on a play :The Three Little Pigs.The Kids want to build a house for their play that nothing will blow down. Ms. Frizzle and her Magic School Bus take the class to the forest to learn how trees stand up to strong winds. Lexile 520, 32 páginas, Tapa Blanda, 1x15x23 cms, Samantha Brooke, 8 a 14 años.
Charles y Lizzie crían perros que necesitan un hogar. Lizzie recibe una llamada telefónica de tía Amanda sobre Oscar, un Schnauzer cachorro que tiene problemas para llevarse bien con otros perros. ¿Podrá Lizzie encontrar a este cachorro como amigo?
I went to Egypt to interview a famous archaeologist! I climbed on a crabby camel that would take me across the desert to the Cheese Pyramid. Among mummies and hieroglyphics, I would learn the secret of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient Mouse World…
Halloween is coming and all of the pumpkins in New Mouse City disappear! There's a thief on the loose, the thief wants to stop Halloween. All of the mice in New Mouse City receive an invitation for a free trip to the Mystery Mouse Theme Park.
I admit it. I'm not a muscle mouse. I accidentally signed up for the Mouse Island Marathon, I lost my squeak! Me, run a marathon? My friends and Family were determined to help me cross that finish line. Holey cheese, I was never going to make it!
Young readers will delight in the easy-to-read format that takes them through the ups, downs, and fun of a soccer game.
Lexile 180, Guided Reading Level F, 32 páginas, Tapa Blanda, 1x16x23 cms, Grace Maccarone, 5 a 8 años.
What causes a meteor shower? Dive into the many components that make each planet distinctive and exceptional, as well as explore many of the other components that make up Space. Grades 3-5 introduction to curriculum-relevant subjects. Lexile 880, 48 páginas, Tapa Blanda, 1x18x21 cms, J.A. Kelley, 8 a 14 años.
Introduces young people to cutting edge techniques of scientific investigation, the most current discoveries, and the way that those discoveries are interpreted to throw new light on our understanding of ourselves and the world around us., 64 páginas, Tapa Dura, 1x18x26 cms, Michael Burgan, 8 a 14 años.
Ricky Ricotta loves his Mighty Robot. They do everything together, but it's sometimes hard for a small mouse to have such a big buddy! If the Mighty Robot could find someone his own size to play with, Ricky might finally have some fun by himself. Lexile 610, Guided Reading Level M, 128 páginas, Tapa Blanda, 1x14x19 cms, Dav Pilkey, 5 a 8 años.
Watch a tiny tadpole grow into an adult frog in this book full of facts and photographs. Learn what tadpoles eat, how they survive, and how they transform into frogs.
Welcome to The Puppy Place--where every puppy finds a home! Charles and Lizzie Peterson love puppies. Their Family fosters these young dogs, giving them love and proper care, until they can find the perfect forever home.
Introducing Cocoa the chocolate Labrador: fierce friend, energetic pup, and star of this deliciously sweet new chapter book series!
Cocoa is cooking up trouble! Lexile 710, 112 páginas, Tapa Blanda, 1x14x20 cms, Eric Luper, 8 a 14 años.
Building phonemic awareness is a joy with this dynamic chart and companion word family songs-25 in all-sung to favorite tunes! Turn to this engaging, colorful resource every day to teach rhymes, build phonics skills, and help kids develop a love of language!, 26 páginas, Flip Chart, 1x38x53 cms, TEDDY SLATER, 3 a 5 años.
Lizzie sees finds Spirit in a snow storm. Spirit is a white German shepherd puppy! It's owners found new homes for all of his brothers and sisters, but they still don't have a place for him. Can Lizzie find a home for this helpful little pup?