Learn from home and explore the world with these fun and easy board books!
Young children are fascinated by their eyes, ears, nose, fingers, and toes. Here’s a Hello, World! board book that teaches toddlers all about the human body, with shapes, sizes, colors, and super-simple facts. Hello, World! is a series designed to introduce first nonfiction concepts to babies and toddlers. Told in clear and easy terms and featuring bright, cheerful illustrations, Hello, World! makes learning fun for young children. And each sturdy page offers helpful prompts for engaging with your child.
"How many fingers can you count on each hand?"- It's a perfect way to bring science and nature into the busy world of a toddler, where learning never stops.
Look for all the books in the Hello, World! series at Mindbuilder website:
Weather My Body Ocean Life Moon Landing Construction Site Rainforest Animals Planet Earth Reptiles Cars and Trucks
Learn from home and explore the world with these fun and easy board books!
Young children are fascinated with weather and the seasons. Here's a book that teaches them about different types of weather and shows them how to dress for each different day. Hello, World! is a series designed to introduce first nonfiction concepts to babies and toddlers. Told in clear and easy terms and featuring bright, cheerful illustrations, Hello, World! makes learning fun for young children. Each sturdy page offers helpful prompts for engaging with your child.
“Look out the window. What is the weather like today?” - plus simple scientific facts ("Mornings are cooler than afternoons because the sun doesn’t shine overnight.") It’s a perfect way to bring science and nature into the busy world of a toddler, where learning never stops.
Look for all the books in the Hello, World! series at Mindbuilder website:
Weather My Body Solar System Moon Landing Construction Site Rainforest Animals Planet Earth Reptiles Cars and Trucks
Once there was a boy, and that boy loved stars very much. So much so that he decided to catch one of his very own. But how? Waiting for them to grow tired from being up in the sky all night doesn’t work. Climbing to the top of the tallest tree? No, not tall enough. The boy has a rocket ship . . . but it is made of paper and doesn’t fly well at all. Finally, just when the boy is ready to give up, he learns that sometimes things aren’t where, or what, we expect them to be.
Oliver Jeffers offers a simple, childlike tale of reaching for the stars, and emerging with a friend.
What if you woke up one morning and your nose wasn't yours? What If You Had An Animal Nose? From the elephant's long trunk to a rhino's pointy horn, discover what it would be like if you had these special noses.
Learn from home and explore the world with these fun and easy board books!
All young children love to play in the waves at the beach. Here's a Hello, World! board book that teaches them all about oceans and the creatures and plants that live there.
Hello, World! is a series designed to introduce first nonfiction concepts to babies and toddlers. Told in clear and easy terms ("An octopus has eight arms. Can you count them all?") and featuring bright, cheerful illustrations, Hello, World! is a perfect way to bring science, nature, and culture into the busy world of a toddler, where learning never stops.
Look for all the books in the Hello, World! series at Mindbuilder website:
Weather My Body Ocean Life Moon Landing Construction Site Rainforest Animals Planet Earth Reptiles Cars and Trucks
What if you woke up one morning and you had sprouted a dinosaur body part overnight? What If You Had T. rex Teeth? -What would happen if you looked in the mirror and saw that you had become part dino!
Rookie Read-About® Science brings a broad array of topics to vibrant life with striking, full-color photos and just the right amount of fun, factual, fascinating text.
"You can find spiders almost anywhere. Some spiders live in hot, humid rain forests.
Others live in hot, dry deserts.
They live in water and woods, trees and gardens - and in people's homes.
Not many animals have been around as long as spiders.
What if you woke up one morning and you had sprouted a tail overnight? What If You Had An Animal Tail? From a peacock's showstopping tail to a scorpion's dangerous stinger, discover what it would be like if you had one of these special tails.
Brightly colored collage pictures bring the narrative to life, inviting young readers to share the tiny seed's exciting journey. Carle also provides basic information on the seasons and the life cycle of plants.
Los niños observan las plantas, las flores y los arboles a su alrededor todos los días. En este libro entretenido y educativo, aprenderán cómo las plantas crecen. Participarán de un viaje mágico viendo la polinización de la semilla y el crecimiento de la planta, aprendiendo acerca de qué necesitan para vivir y crecer. Todo esto a través de un texto apropiado, con las imágenes maravillosas y actividades divertidas que caracterizan a National Geographic.
Esta serie educativa de libros para principiantes de alto interés para niños está llena de las imágenes maravillosas de National Geographic, acompañadas por textos escritos por autores experimentados en el campo de la literatura juvenil. La contratapa de la edición en rústica incluye una experiencia interactiva basada en el libro. Los libros de nivel 1 refuerzan el contenido del libro con una actividad cinestética. En los libros de nivel 2, los lectores completan una carta con palabras de vocabulario.
What if you woke up one morning, and you suddenly had the superpower of an ocean animal? Which superpower would you choose?, 40 páginas, Tapa Blanda, 1x26x26 cms, Sandra Markle, 3 a 5 años.
Piedra caliente fundida desde el centro de nuestro planeta es forzada a viajar por las grietas en la corteza de la Tierra hasta explotar, violenta e inesperadamente, en una erupción que puede durar meses y a veces años. Únete a la aventura para aprender más acerca de los volcanes, uno de los fenómenos más espectaculares de la naturaleza.
"Cenizas y vapores emergen de la montaña. La roca fundida y caliente sube por el interior de la montaña. De repente escapa una columna brillante de ceniza caliente. ¡Es una erupción!"
Esta serie educativa de libros para principiantes de alto interés para niños está llena de las imágenes maravillosas de National Geographic, acompañadas por textos escritos por autores experimentados en el campo de la literatura juvenil.
Soy Una Oruga es un libro de la serie ¡Hola, lector! que le ofrece al joven lector información sobre el ciclo de vida de una oruga. Las letras grandes y las oraciones cortas les permitirán a los niños de primer grado leer solitos este hermoso libro.
What if you woke up one morning and your eyes weren't yours?
From the chameleon's eyes that can point in different directions, to the colossal squid's eyes that shine in the dark, discover what it would be like if you had these special eyes.
From the duo behind the wildly popular Baby Loves Science series comes a spinoff perfect for little scientists discovering their own amazing powers: Baby Loves the Five Senses!
Accurate enough to satisfy an expert, yet simple enough for baby, this book explores the world of smell. A trip to the farmers’ market inspires an exploration of the olfactory sense in this engaging, toddler-friendly account.
What is a smell? How does Baby’s nose work? What are some of the many scents that Baby can sniff? Learn these and more with Irene Chan’s bright, kid-friendly illustrations and Ruth Spiro’s age-appropriate, scientifically-vetted text.
¡Rayos, truenos, viento y lluvia! Aprende todo sobre las tormentas en este emocionante libro para niños. Este texto de Nivel 1 está lleno de información interesante pero a la vez accesible para los primeros pasos de lectura independiente.
Esta serie educativa de libros para principiantes de alto interés para niños está llena de las imágenes maravillosas de National Geographic, acompañadas por textos escritos por autores experimentados en el campo de la literatura juvenil.
Los libros de nivel 1 refuerzan el contenido del libro con una actividad Kinestécica.
Soy Una Hoja es un libro que cuenta acerca de la vida de las hojas y sus funciones. A los chicos les encatará saber que cada una de las hojas del patio de su casa tiene una vida muy particular. El texto es sencillo y fácil de leer.
Este libro para principiantes utiliza vocabulario simple e imágenes divertidas para captar el interés y desarrollar las habilidades de lectores que recién empiezan a leer. Las locas travesuras, el humor y la información divertida hacen que esta lectura sea un placer.
Los libros de National Geographic han tenido mucho éxito en la categoría competitiva de libros para principiantes, y este libro contribuye a este éxito con el mismo texto cuidadosamente nivelado e imágenes maravillosas. Ahora la serie se expande más allá de los niveles de la escuela primaria para llegar a los principios de la relación entre el niño y la lectura. Los libros Pre-Lectores de National Geographic utilizan la representación visual, la repetición y el reconocimiento para enseñar a los niños la base de esta hermosa habilidad.
Learn from home and explore the world with these fun and easy board books!
Young children love to look at bugs. Here’s a Hello, World! board book that teaches toddlers all about the insects in their backyards—with colors, sounds, sizes, and super-simple facts.
Hello, World! is a series designed to introduce first nonfiction concepts to babies and toddlers. Told in clear and easy terms and featuring bright, cheerful illustrations, Hello, World! makes learning fun for young children. And each sturdy page offers helpful prompts for engaging with your child. (“Chomp! A bright red ladybug munches on a leaf. Point to each of its spots.”) It’s a perfect way to bring science and nature into the busy world of a toddler, where learning never stops.Look for all the books in the Hello, World! series at Mindbuilder website:
Weather My Body Ocean Life Moon Landing Construction Site Rainforest Animals Planet Earth Reptiles Cars and Trucks
Con las coloridas ilustraciones de Judith Moffatt y el texto simple pero poderoso del exitoso autor Jean Marzollo, ¡los niños descubrirán lo divertida que puede ser el agua! Una deliciosa discusión sobre las diversas formas que toma el agua.
How many bones do we have? Which bone is the longest? Or the smallest? Without bones, you would be like a jellyfish or a worm. Our bones support us and protect our insides. They work together with our muscles to allow us to do all the things we do!
If you could have any animal's hair, whose would you choose?
If you had a polar bear's double coat, you would never have to wear a hat when playing in the snow. If you had reindeer hair, it could help you stay afloat in water. And if you had a porcupine's hair, no bully would ever bother you again! WHAT IF YOU HAD ANIMAL HAIR? is a follow-up to the adorable WHAT IF YOU HAD ANIMAL TEETH? Each spread will feature a photographic image of the animal and its hair on the left and an illustration of a child with that animal's hair on the right. As in ANIMAL TEETH, the illustrations will be humorous and will accompany informative text.
Learn all about sea turtles with brilliant photography and illustrations in this Spanish-language Level 2 Reader from National Geographic Kids.
Who could resist celebrating sea turtles? They may seem like lazy ocean reptiles drifting with the oceans’ currents, but they are actually long-distance swimmers that spend their entire lives searching for food and a mate. What’s more, they come with their own built-in GPS, returning to the exact beach where they were born to lay their own eggs. Kids will learn all about these tranquil and mysterious animals through brilliant photography and illustrations, plus the trusted and distinctive content you love from National Geographic Kids!