No se necesita mucho para reducir la cantidad de basura que creamos. Tomar medidas puede ser tan simple como reciclar botellas y latas o llevar bolsas reutilizables al supermercado.
Los niños aprenden esto y más sobre lo que pueden hacer para ayudar en 10 cosas que puedo hacer para reducir, reutilizar y reciclar.
Learn what hardware is, how code is written, how to avoid viruses, and more all in the pages of this book.
Rookie provides a fact-filled series designed for readers at many levels, covering the topics they want to learn about.
Determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 2 topic or subject area.
Discover the ins and outs of what it means to think like a computer.
Rookie Get Ready to Code series gives early readers a fun a lively introduction to computer science. Easy-to- understand text and colorful graphics help kids master the foundations of programming.
There's so much more to a computer than a monitor and a keyboard. It's what's inside that counts! From algorithms and viruses to virtual reality and beyond.
The Cat in the Hat cracks open the science of eggs--from the different animals that lay them to the amazing shapes, sizes, and colors they can be! Kids will learn about kinds of nests, the stages of development inside a chicken egg, and much more.
Everyone's favorite Cat in the Hat introduces young readers to nature's perfect package! The Cat in the Hat's Learning Library is a nonfiction picture book series that introduces beginning readers ages 5-8 to important basic concepts.
Young readers will be delighted to join the Cat in the Hat as he cracks open the science of eggs—from the different animals that lay them to the amazing shapes, sizes, and colors they can be! An ideal choice for supporting preschool and kindergarten egg science curriculum, kids will learn about kinds of nests, the stages of development inside a chicken egg, and much, much more.
Featuring beloved characters from Dr. Seuss's The Cat in the Hat, the Learning Library are unjacketed hardcover picture books that explore a range of nonfiction topics.
En este libro, aprenderás datos divertidos sobre las ranas y sus cuerpos, hábitos y ciclo de vida. Texto simple y fácil de leer del Nivel 2, perfecto para principiantes, y las fotografías harán que los naturalistas de todas las edades se fascinen.
From writer Stacy McAnulty and illustrator Stevie Lewis, Moon! Earth's Best Friend is a light-hearted nonfiction picture book about the formation and history of the moon ― told from the perspective of the moon itself. Meet Moon! She's more than just a rock ― she's Earth's rock, her best friend she can always count on. Moon never turns her back on her friend (literally: she's always facing Earth with the same side!). These two will stick together forever. With characteristic humor and charm, Stacy McAnulty channels the voice of Moon in this next celestial "autobiography" in the Our Universe series. Rich with kid-friendly facts and beautifully brought to life by Stevie Lewis, this is an equally charming and irresistible companion to Earth! My First 4.54 Billion Years and Sun! One in a Billion.
"Hi, I’m Earth! But you can call me Planet Awesome."Prepare to learn all about Earth from the point-of-view of Earth herself! In this funny yet informative book, filled to the brim with kid-friendly facts, readers will discover key moments in Earth’s life, from her childhood more than four billion years ago all the way up to present day. Beloved children's book author Stacy McAnulty helps Earth tell her story, and award-winning illustrator David Litchfield brings the words to life. The book includes back matter with even more interesting tidbits.
En un mundo donde las temperaturas globales están cambiando de forma extrema tanto en la tierra y en el mar, las migraciones anuales de animales de todo tipo son historias de fuerza y voluntad increíble. Nuevas tecnologías nos permite seguir a estos animales y comprender mejor nuestro mundo que está en constante movimiento. Este texto relata el viaje de las ballenas por las aguas azules del profundo océano. Este libro para niños en español seguramente le encantará a todo lector de nivel 3.
Estos animales llegaron a ser estrellas en la película La marcha de los pingüinos de National Geographic. ¡Ahora son LAS CELEBRIDADES de la naturaleza! Si tienes 5 años, probablemente eres tan alto como un pingüino emperador. ¿Pero por qué vomitan tanto? ¡Empieza la marcha con nosotros y te mostraremos!
Para niños de entre 5 y 6 años, este libro de nivel 2 en español combina la magia de las fotografías de pingüinos de National Geographic con textos informativos, escritos para inspirar, informar y emocionar a los lectores más pequeños.
Aprenda todo sobre los koalas en este lector de nivel 1 de National Geographic Kids. Con sus grandes ojos y su personalidad juguetona, ¡no hay duda de por qué los koalas son el animal favorito de los niños! Lleno de fotos adorables y texto cuidadosamente nivelado, este lector de Nivel 1 presenta a los lectores principiantes estas criaturas peludas, desde jovenes hasta adultos, explorando dónde viven, qué comen e incluso la forma en que dicen "hola", ¡tocándose la nariz!
Los lectores de National Geographic presentan textos atractivos cuidadosamente examinados por educadores expertos y acompañados de magníficas fotografías de National Geographic. Los libros de nivel 1 están escritos para lectores nuevos e incluyen una actividad práctica para reforzar el contenido del libro.
Introduce young Spanish-language readers to the life cycle and migration path of the magnificent monarch butterfly in this newly translated edition of a Gail Gibbons classic.
A tiny white egg laid on a leaf transforms into a brilliantly colored butterfly in this kid-friendly introduction to metamorphosis. Gail Gibbons’ signature bright and detailed watercolors illustrate the life cycle of a monarch butterfly stage-by-stage as it grows, changes, and takes flight.
With clear, labeled diagrams and simple text in Spanish that defines and reinforces important vocabulary, this newly translated Spanish edition ofMonarch Butterflyintroduces key concepts of insect anatomy and behavior. And of course, the unique migration path of the monarch–which can range up to four thousand miles–is explored through descriptions of how the insects travel and how people in their path celebrate the occasion.
The book also provides instructions for raising your own monarch at home and concludes with a page of fun facts about these colorful butterflies.
Aprende todo sobre la selva tropical en este emocionante libro en español. Este libro de nivel Pre-lector utiliza vocabulario simple e imágenes divertidas para captar el interés de niños que leen por primera vez mientras les ayuda a desarrollar sus habilidades. La información divertida y graciosa hace que esta nueva experiencia de leer sea un placer.
Learn all about the rain forest in this exciting reader in Spanish. This Pre-reader uses simple vocabulary and fun pictures to capture the interest and help develop the skills of beginning readers. The cuteness, humor, and fun information make this new reading experience a treat.
A Spanish translation of National Geographic ReadersTrainsLevel 1.
Choo choo! Kids love trains! Especially the classic steam engines found in amusement parks and zoos. But what about a super-speeder in Japan that zooms along the track at 361 miles an hour (581 km/h)? Or the world’s longest freight train, stretching a whopping 4.6 miles (7.4 km)? Or futuristic railways in the sky?
National Geographic Readers feature engaging text carefully vetted by expert educators and accompanied by magnificent National Geographic photography. Level 1 books are written for new readers and include a hands-on activity to reinforce the content of the book
Key Features Description How did the katydid get its name? Do praying mantises really eat their mates? Is a spider an insect? Find out the answers to these questions and hundreds more in Incredible Insects. Gorgeous photographs reveal the secrets of the insect world in this truly incredible book. No stone or leaf or rotting log was left unturned to get the most up-to-date and fascinating answers in the world! How did the katydid get its name? Do praying mantises really eat their mates? Is a spider an insect? Find out the answers to these questions and hundreds more in Incredible Insects. Gorgeous photographs reveal the secrets of the insect world in this truly incredible book. No stone or leaf or rotting log was left unturned to get the most up-to-date and fascinating answers in the world!
What if a jaguar and a skunk had a fight? Who do you think would win?
This nonfiction reader compares and contrasts two ferocious animals. Readers will learn about each animal's anatomy, behavior, and more. Then compare and contrast the battling pair before finally discovering the winner!This nonfiction series is full of facts, photos, and realistic illustrations, and it includes a range of mammals, sea creatures, insects, and dinosaurs to satisfy all kinds of animal fans.
What causes thunder and lightning? How do different clouds form? What makes a tornado twist? Kids will discover the answers to these questions and more in this colorful, photo-packed book. In this inviting and entertaining format, kids will discover what causes the weather they experience every day. This level 1 reader is written in an easy-to-grasp style to encourage the meteorologists of tomorrow!
If you could have any animal's front teeth, whose would you choose?
WHAT IF YOU HAD ANIMAL TEETH takes children on a fun, informative, and imaginative journey as they explore what it would be like if their own front teeth were replaced by those of a different animal. Featuring a dozen animals (beaver, great white shark, narwhal, elephant, rattlesnake, naked mole rat, hippopotamus, crocodile, and more), this book explores how different teeth are especially adapted for an animal's survival. At the end of the book, children will discover why their own teeth are just right for them. And they'll also get a friendly reminder to take good care of their teeth, because they're the only teeth they'll ever have. Each spread features a photograph of the animal using its specialized teeth on the left and a humorous illustrated image of a child using that animal's teeth on the right.
A huge tornado takes you and your friend by surpise and you're swept up into the skies! Try not to panic, you never know what will be behind the next cloud! Filled with excitement and hilarity, this compositional challenge lets you tell your very own story starring...YOU! Combining National Geographic Kids' photography and illustrations in colorful laugh-out-loud pages, this engaging, entertaining, and educational book takes you on an adventure through the sky and invites you to enter a new world imaginatively by combining your story with theirs.
You've just been shrunken down to minature size and sent to roam the backyard! What happens next is up to YOU! Filled with excitement and hilarity, this compositional challenge lets you tell your very own story starring...YOU! Combining National Geographic Kids' photography and illustrations in colorful laugh-out-loud pages, this engaging, entertaining, and educational book introduces you to animals and people from your backyard, and invites you to enter a new world imaginatively by combining your story with theirs.
This year Henry and Mudge are out to make the best Mother's Day lunch ever. It has to be juicy, crunchy, and perfect for family sharing. When they select a gorgeous golden pineapple, the menu is shaping up to be anything but dull. Dad is helping them carve something almost too pretty to eat. So how will Henry ever stop Mudge from devouring the surprise before Mom sees it? Series Information: Since its creation in 1987, the Henry and Mudge series has grown into one of the most beloved and acclaimed beginning-reading series ever. With more than two million copies sold, these books have been recommended by the American Library Association, the Library of Congress, Parents' Choice, The Horn Book Magazine, the International Reading Association, the American Booksellers Association, and most importantly, the thousands of children who belong to the Henry and Mudge fan club. Created by renowned Newbery Medalist Cynthia Rylant and acclaimed illustrator Sugie Stevenson, the Henry and Mudge series is without a doubt a classic for all time.