The earth is definitely getting warmer. There's no argument about that, but who or what is the cause? And why has climate change become a political issue? Are humans at fault? Is this just a natural development?
Come along as little puppy goes out exploring in the world. Along the way he meets new friends, big and small, and sees amazing sites, but can't wait to get back home to mom. Told in simple yet lively text built with sight words and using picture icons to aid reading, National Geographic Pre-readers will enchant kids just beginning their journey with books.
This book introduces readers to the digestive system, including the digestive process, the organs involved in digestion, and common problems and diseases associated with the digestive system.
Todo el mundo ama a los pandas. Nos encanta verlos jugar, trepar, dormir y masticar. ¡Pero cuidado, también rasguñan—mira ese árbol! Ilustrado con maravillosas imágenes que registran el lugar único de este animal en China y en todo el mundo, este libro en español es para niños de Nivel 2 que leen solos o con ayuda de vez en cuando.
Observa de cerca el mundo a tus pies y encontrarás muchos más insectos de los que imaginas. Este libro, INSECTOS, brinda fabulosas imágenes y datos increíbles. Los jóvenes lectores se sentirán inspirados al conocer un experto en insectos y aprender sobre cómo un escarabajo salvó a Australia.
Favorite topics in active and interactive print and digital books, specially designed for newly confident readers.
Look closer at the world at your feet and you will find there is more to bugs than meets the eye. BUGS features stunning close-up images combined with weird and wonderful bug facts. The book takes a 360 degree view of the natural history, history, and human impact of mini-beasts. It covers more than just insects, featuring other land invertebrates such as spiders, centipedes, worms, and snails. It delves into prehistory to show the ancient, giant ancestors of today’s creatures. Young naturalists will be inspired by meeting an insect explorer and expert and reading about how a beetle saved Australia. You can even find out how to make a bug snack!
¿Por qué los camellos viven en el desierto? ¿Cómo se mantienen vivos los animales en el frío y el viento del Ártico? Observa a los animales en su hábitat y aprende cómo sobreviven.
To celebrate its 20th anniversary, Scholastic is re-releasing the ten original Magic School Bus titles in paperback. With updated scientific information, the bestselling science series ever is back!
On a most sense-sational trip that takes them through an eye, an ear, a tongue, and even a dog's nose, Ms. Frizzle's class learns about the senses. Using their trademark sense of humor, Joanna Cole and Bruce Degen provide facts about the senses in both the human and animal worlds.Don't miss the all-new Magic School Bus: Rides Again book series and the animated show streaming on Netflix now!
Learn how people are trying to protect endangered bears and what the future could hold for these remarkable animals.
From the snowy white polar bears of the Arctic to the black bears that roam through parts of North America, bears have long been a common sight in many parts of the world. However, many species are becoming less common as they face threats such as illegal hunting and climate change. Readers will find out how bears live and what impact they have on the environment.
Explains what tropical rain forests are like, looks at the plants and animals that live in rain forests, and includes information on why tropical rain forests are important and what is being done to save them.
How much rain does a tropical rain forest receive each year?
At least 100 inches (254 centimeters) of rain fall each year. They're called rain forests for a reason!
The Rain and Heat.
Layer upon layer.
A crowded space.
The rain forest's many uses.
Delicate balance.
True statistics, Resources, Important words, Index, About the author.
True Books have been upgraded and updated. Information is presented in a thorough yet engaging manner, featuring lively sidebars, a glossary, visual back matter, and an index.
Discover how thunderstorms are formed and predicted, including information on how these storms affect plants, animals, and humans.
A True Book: Earth Science series presents fascinating facts and fun activities that will engage the budding earth scientist, while exploring the fields of geology, meteorology, ecology, and more. This series includes an age appropriate introduction to curriculum-relevant subjects and a robust resource section that encourages independent study.
This book briefly examines the geology and environment of deserts, as well as the people and animals who make them their homes.
The BIG TRUTH! The desert weather report. What is the forecast for today?
The average scorpion is about 2.5 inches (6 centimeters) long.
Exploring the Desert. What are deserts, and where are they found?
With sand and wind. How does nature make a desert in the first place?
Man-made deserts. How have people and cities changed the deserts of the world?
Home, sweet desert home. How can people possibly live in some of the world's deserts?
Wildlife under the sun. What kinds of plants and animals survive in deserts?
True statistics, Resources, Important words, Index, About the author.
True Books have been upgraded and updated. Information is presented in a thorough yet engaging manner, featuring lively sidebars, a glossary, visual back matter, and an index.
Learn what hardware is, how code is written, how to avoid viruses, and more all in the pages of this book.
Rookie provides a fact-filled series designed for readers at many levels, covering the topics they want to learn about.
Determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 2 topic or subject area.
Discover the ins and outs of what it means to think like a computer.
Rookie Get Ready to Code series gives early readers a fun a lively introduction to computer science. Easy-to- understand text and colorful graphics help kids master the foundations of programming.
There's so much more to a computer than a monitor and a keyboard. It's what's inside that counts! From algorithms and viruses to virtual reality and beyond.
Technology is not only playing an ever-increasing role in our everyday lives, but also in the way we explore the world around us. But how does it work? Investigate the science behind technology, take a journey of discovery you will never forget. Lexile 1080, 112 páginas, Tapa Dura, 1x24x29 cms, Clive Gifford, 8 a 14 años.
Born in 1829, at age 11. He began writing adventure stories as a young man and became a popular writer. Mixing scientific discovery and literature in his books like Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea and Around the World in 80 Days.
When the plague broke out in London 1665 he was forced to return home from college. It was during this period of so much death, that Newton gave life to some of the most important theories in modern science, including gravity and the laws of motion.
Did you know that Bell's amazing invention--the telephone--stemmed from his work on teaching the deaf? Both his mother and wife were deaf. Did you know that in later years he refused to have a telephone in his study? The history of technology!
A True Book: Space series dives into the many components that make each planet distinctive and exceptional, as well as explore many of the other components that make up Space.
En un mundo donde las temperaturas globales están cambiando de forma extrema tanto en la tierra y en el mar, las migraciones anuales de animales de todo tipo son historias de fuerza y voluntad increíble. Nuevas tecnologías nos permite seguir a estos animales y comprender mejor nuestro mundo que está en constante movimiento. Este texto relata el viaje de las ballenas por las aguas azules del profundo océano. Este libro para niños en español seguramente le encantará a todo lector de nivel 3.
Estos animales llegaron a ser estrellas en la película La marcha de los pingüinos de National Geographic. ¡Ahora son LAS CELEBRIDADES de la naturaleza! Si tienes 5 años, probablemente eres tan alto como un pingüino emperador. ¿Pero por qué vomitan tanto? ¡Empieza la marcha con nosotros y te mostraremos!
Para niños de entre 5 y 6 años, este libro de nivel 2 en español combina la magia de las fotografías de pingüinos de National Geographic con textos informativos, escritos para inspirar, informar y emocionar a los lectores más pequeños.
Aprenda todo sobre los koalas en este lector de nivel 1 de National Geographic Kids. Con sus grandes ojos y su personalidad juguetona, ¡no hay duda de por qué los koalas son el animal favorito de los niños! Lleno de fotos adorables y texto cuidadosamente nivelado, este lector de Nivel 1 presenta a los lectores principiantes estas criaturas peludas, desde jovenes hasta adultos, explorando dónde viven, qué comen e incluso la forma en que dicen "hola", ¡tocándose la nariz!
Los lectores de National Geographic presentan textos atractivos cuidadosamente examinados por educadores expertos y acompañados de magníficas fotografías de National Geographic. Los libros de nivel 1 están escritos para lectores nuevos e incluyen una actividad práctica para reforzar el contenido del libro.
Introduce young Spanish-language readers to the life cycle and migration path of the magnificent monarch butterfly in this newly translated edition of a Gail Gibbons classic.
A tiny white egg laid on a leaf transforms into a brilliantly colored butterfly in this kid-friendly introduction to metamorphosis. Gail Gibbons’ signature bright and detailed watercolors illustrate the life cycle of a monarch butterfly stage-by-stage as it grows, changes, and takes flight.
With clear, labeled diagrams and simple text in Spanish that defines and reinforces important vocabulary, this newly translated Spanish edition ofMonarch Butterflyintroduces key concepts of insect anatomy and behavior. And of course, the unique migration path of the monarch–which can range up to four thousand miles–is explored through descriptions of how the insects travel and how people in their path celebrate the occasion.
The book also provides instructions for raising your own monarch at home and concludes with a page of fun facts about these colorful butterflies.
What causes thunder and lightning? How do different clouds form? What makes a tornado twist? Kids will discover the answers to these questions and more in this colorful, photo-packed book. In this inviting and entertaining format, kids will discover what causes the weather they experience every day. This level 1 reader is written in an easy-to-grasp style to encourage the meteorologists of tomorrow!