Infinity Ring Book #2 Divide and Conquer
ISBN: 9780545386975
Precio habitual $11.990 Precio de Oferta $8.000 Ahorra $3.990Autor |
Tina Wells |
Empaste | Tapa Dura |
Dimensiones |
1x 14 x 20 cm |
Páginas | 192 |
Edad | 8 a 14 años |
Dak, Sera, and Riq might be in over their heads when they attempt to stop a Viking invasion!
Hundreds of ships carrying thousands of warriors are laying siege to medieval Paris. The Parisians are holding their own, but the stalemate can only last so long. And that's bad news -- especially since Dak has been captured, forced to work alongside the Vikings while Sera and Riq defend Paris from within. No matter which side wins, the kids lose!
Judy Blume: The Pain and the Great One PB
ISBN: 9781481411455
Precio habitual $9.990Autor | Judy Blume |
Empaste | Tapa blanda |
Dimensiones |
1x 13 x 20 cm |
Páginas | 48 |
Edad | 8 a 14 años |
Nivel de Lectura | Lexile 550L |
When an eight-year-old girl and her six-year-old brother take turns describing each other, it’s no surprise that “The Pain” and “The Great One” are the nicknames that emerge. As this duo debates whom Mom and Dad love most, their competition becomes increasingly humorous—because when it comes to family affection, there’s no such thing as win or lose.
The Wizard of Wherever
ISBN: 9781410807939
Precio habitual $11.990Autor | Ruth Romer and Alan Kramer |
Empaste | Tapa Blanda |
Dimensiones | 1 x 17 x 24 |
Páginas | 16 |
Edad | 8 a 14 años, Juvenil |
Nivel de Lectura | Lexile 860L | Guided Reading Level K |
A Play with the typical ingredients for the best story: a wizards, a king, a queen, a prince, oh! And a Toad!
A wizard's mistake turns the king into a toad and takes some unusual steps to correct.
El cuento perfecto para actuar en grupos de a 6 estudiantes y realizar mini-obras de teatro. Ideal inclusive en Educación Media.
Infinity Ring Book #3 The Trap Door
ISBN: 9780545386982
Precio habitual $11.990Autor |
Tina Wells |
Empaste | Tapa Dura |
Dimensiones |
1x 14 x 20 cm |
Páginas | 192 |
Edad | 8 a 14 años |
The multi-platform adventure through time continues!
Dak, Sera, and Riq return to the United States and walk immediately into a deadly trap. The year is 1850, and the nation is divided over the issue of slavery. In these dark days, the Underground Railroad provides a light of hope, helping runaway slaves escape to freedom. But the SQ has taken control of the Underground Railroad from within. Now Dak and Sera are left wondering who to trust . . . while Riq risks everything to save the life of a young boy.
Book includes an all-new, full-color Hystorian's Guide - your key to unlocking the third episode of the action-packed Infinity Ring game!
Fortunately, The Milk
ISBN: 9780062224088
Precio habitual $17.990Autor |
Neil Gaiman |
Ilustrador |
Skottie Young |
Empaste | Tapa blanda |
Dimensiones |
1x 13 x 19 cm |
Páginas | 128 |
Edad | 8 a 14 años |
Nivel de Lectura | Lexile 680L |
An absolute delight of a madcap story for the young (and young-at-heart) by New York Times bestselling author Neil Gaiman, with equal parts pirates and piranhas, adventure and aliens, oddity and love.
"I bought the milk," said my father. "I walked out of the corner shop, and heard a noise like this: t h u m m t h u m m. I looked up and saw a huge silver disc hovering in the air above Marshall Road."
"Hullo," I said to myself. "That's not something you see every day. And then something odd happened."
Find out just how odd things get in this hilarious story of time travel and breakfast cereal, expertly told by Newbery Medalist and bestselling author Neil Gaiman and illustrated by Skottie Young.
Hidden Figures
ISBN: 9780062662378
Precio habitual $17.990Autor | Sebastian Junger |
Empaste | Tapa blanda |
Dimensiones | 2x20x13 cm |
Páginas | 240 |
Edad |
8 a 14 años, 14 y más, Juvenil |
Nivel de Lectura | Lexile 1120L l Guided Reading Level Z |
The uplifting, amazing true story—a New York Times bestseller!
This edition of Margot Lee Shetterly’s acclaimed book is perfect for young readers. It's the powerful story of four African-American female mathematicians at NASA who helped achieve some of the greatest moments in our space program.
Before John Glenn orbited the earth, or Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, a group of dedicated female mathematicians known as “human computers” used pencils, slide rules, and adding machines to calculate the numbers that would launch rockets, and astronauts, into space.
This book brings to life the stories of Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson, Katherine Johnson, and Christine Darden, who lived through the Civil Rights era, the Space Race, the Cold War, and the movement for gender equality, and whose work forever changed the face of NASA and the country.
Coraline PB
ISBN: 9780380807345
Precio habitual $17.990Autor |
Neil Gaiman |
Ilustrador |
Dave McKean |
Empaste | Tapa blanda |
Dimensiones |
1x 13 x 19 cm |
Páginas | 208 |
Edad | 8 a 14 años |
Nivel de Lectura | Lexile 740L l Guided Reading Level M - GRL M |
New York Public Library Books for the Teen Age
IRA/CBC Children's Choice Editors’ Pick
Publishers Weekly Best Book
Child Magazine Best Book
New York Public Library's “One Hundred Titles for Reading and Sharing”
ALA Best Fiction for Young Adults
Hugo Award for Best Novella
ALA Notable Children’s Book
ALA Popular Paperbacks for Young Adults
Dorothy Canfield Fisher Children’s Book Award Masterlist (Vermont)
Book Sense Pick
Bulletin Blue Ribbon (The Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books)
This edition of New York Times bestselling and Newbery Medal-winning author Neil Gaiman’s modern classic, Coraline—also an Academy Award-nominated film—is enriched with a foreword from the author, a reader's guide, and more.
"Coraline discovered the door a little while after they moved into the house...."
When Coraline steps through a door to find another house strangely similar to her own (only better), things seem marvelous.
But there's another mother there, and another father, and they want her to stay and be their little girl. They want to change her and never let her go.
Coraline will have to fight with all her wit and courage if she is to save herself and return to her ordinary life.
Neil Gaiman's Coraline is a can't-miss classic that enthralls readers age 8 to 12 but also adults who enjoy a perfect smart spooky read.
The Royal Ranger: #2 The Red Fox Clan
ISBN: 9781524741402
Precio habitual $19.990
Autor |
John Flanagan |
Empaste | Tapa Blanda |
Páginas | 368 |
Dimensiones |
2 x 20 x 14 cm
Edad |
Nivel de Lectura |
#1 New York Times bestselling author John Flanagan returns to the world of Ranger’s Apprentice, continuing the story arc that began in The Royal Ranger: A New Beginning, starring fan favorites Will and Maddie.
Picking up where The Royal Ranger: A New Beginning left off, this next installment continues the story arc featuring young apprentice Maddie and the student-turned-master, Will Treaty. The time has come for the next generation to assume the mantle and become protectors of the kingdom of Araluen.
After passing her third-year assessment as a ranger’s apprentice, Maddie is called home to Castle Araluen. Forced to keep her ranger training a secret, Maddie feels trapped by her role as a princess of the realm and longs to find a way out. But there are whisperings of a new threat to the kingdom. The mysterious Red Fox Clan, a group of anarchists all donning fox masks, have threatened Castle Araluen and question Princess Cassandra and Madelyn’s succession to the throne. Will they succeed in unseating Cassandra and Madelyn and take the throne for themselves?
Internationally bestselling author of the Ranger’s Apprentice and Brotherband series, John Flanagan returns in the captivating follow-up to The Royal Ranger: A New Beginning. Perfect for fans of Tolkien, Redwall, and Game of Thrones!
The Royal Ranger: #3 Duel at Araluen
ISBN: 9781524741433
Precio habitual $19.990
Autor |
John Flanagan |
Empaste | Tapa Blanda |
Páginas | 320 |
Dimensiones | 2 x 20 x 14 cm |
Edad | 14 y más, Juvenil |
Nivel de Lectura | Lexile 860L |
International bestselling author John Flanagan returns to world of Ranger’s Apprentice in this new installment of the Royal Ranger series starring Maddie, Will Treaty’s fearless young female apprentice. Perfect for fans of J.R.R. Tolkien, Brian Jacques’s Redwall, and George R. R. Martin’s Game of Thrones!
King Duncan and Princess Cassandra are trapped in the south tower of Castle Araluen and under near-constant attack
from the Red Fox Clan. Sir Horace and Ranger Commandant Gilan are holed up in an old hill fort, surrounded by the enemy. And Ranger’s apprentice Maddie is the only one who can save them all.
With the help of Hal, Thorn, and the rest of the Heron brotherband, Maddie will have to break her father and his men out of the hill fort, but will they reach Castle Araluen in time?
Internationally bestselling author of the Ranger’s Apprentice and Brotherband series, John Flanagan returns in the captivating next installment of the Royal Ranger series: The Royal Ranger: Duel at Araluen.
A Map of Days
ISBN: 9780735231498
Precio habitual $25.990
Autor |
Ransom Rigg |
Empaste | Tapa Dura |
Páginas | 496 |
Dimensiones | 4 x 21 x 14 cm |
Edad | 14 y más, Juvenil |
Nivel de Lectura | Lexile HL750L |
The instant bestseller!
• New York Times bestseller
• USA Today bestseller
• Wall Street Journal bestseller
“A Map of Days reveals Ransom Riggs at the peak of his powers, leaving loyal fans ravenous for more.” –NY Journal of Books
Having defeated the monstrous threat that nearly destroyed the peculiar world, Jacob Portman is back where his story began, in Florida. Except now Miss Peregrine, Emma, and their peculiar friends are with him, and doing their best to blend in. But carefree days of beach visits and normalling lessons are soon interrupted by a discovery—a subterranean bunker that belonged to Jacob’s grandfather, Abe.
Clues to Abe’s double-life as a peculiar operative start to emerge, secrets long hidden in plain sight. And Jacob begins to learn about the dangerous legacy he has inherited—truths that were part of him long before he walked into Miss Peregrine’s time loop.
Now, the stakes are higher than ever as Jacob and his friends are thrust into the untamed landscape of American peculiardom—a world with few ymbrynes, or rules—that none of them understand. New wonders, and dangers, await in this brilliant next chapter for Miss Peregrine’s peculiar children. Their story is again illustrated by haunting vintage photographs, now with the striking addition of full-color images interspersed throughout for this all-new, multi-era American adventure.
Cayendo hacia arriba
ISBN: 9781933032801
Precio habitual $28.990Autor | Shel Silverstein |
Empaste | Tapa Dura |
Dimensiones | 1 x 23 x 18 cms. |
Páginas | 180 |
Edad | 5 a 99 años |
Nivel de Lectura | Guided Reading Nivel Z |
Poemas y dibujos con el sello característico del famosísimo Shel Silverstein.
Este es el último libro escrito por Shel Silverstein antes de su muerte en 1999.
Rebosante del humor y la originalidad característicos del poeta, esta es una brillante colección de poemas cortos y dibujos.
¡Los niños encontrarán estos divertidos poemas y sus estrafalarios personajes tan irresistibles que apenas se darán cuenta de que están leyendo poesía!
"Me enredé en el cordón
de uno de mis zapatos
y hacia arriba caí -
sobre la arboleda,
sobre los tejados,
sobre las montañas, sobre los poblados.
Caí donde el ruido se vuelve color
y al mirar abajo
tanto me mareé
que aunque no quería
hasta vomité."
Rimas, poesía.
Harry Potter #1: and the Sorcerer's Stone (Hard Cover)
ISBN: 9780590353403
Precio habitual $29.990Autor | J. K. Rowling, Mary Grandpré |
Empaste | Tapa Dura |
Páginas | 309 |
Dimensiones | 3 x 19 x 13 cm |
Edad | 8 a 18 años, Juvenil |
Nivel de Lectura | Lexile 880| Guided Reading Level V |
Harry Potter has never been the star of a Quidditch team, scoring points while riding a broom far above the ground. He knows no spells, has never helped to hatch a dragon, and has never worn a cloak of invisibility.All he knows is a miserable life with the Dursleys, his horrible aunt and uncle, and their abominable son, Dudley - a great big swollen spoiled bully. Harry's room is a tiny closet at the foot of the stairs, and he hasn't had a birthday party in eleven years.But all that is about to change when a mysterious letter arrives by owl messenger: a letter with an invitation to an incredible place that Harry - and anyone who reads about him - will find unforgettable.For it's there that he finds not only friends, aerial sports, and magic in everything from classes to meals, but a great destiny that's been waiting for him... if Harry can survive the encounter.
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