Conoce a Dog Man, el canino que muerde el crimen y que es en parte perro, en parte hombre, ¡y TODO HÉROE! Cuando el peligro llame, este muñeco Dog Man estará preparado. Su suave pelaje, sus orejas caídas y su uniforme de policía lo convierten en el compañero perfecto para tu pequeño luchador contra el crimen. Acompáñalo con Dog Man y lee la fantástica serie de Dav Pilkey que te hará reír.
Otra serie del exitoso autor Dav Pilkey. George y Harold, las mentes diabólicas detrás del Capitán Calzoncillos, crean un nuevo héroe de cómic en Dog Man, un luchador contra el crimen que es mitad perro, mitad policía. Mira cómo hace justicia con Petey, el felino más feroz del mundo.
¿Eres un gran fan de Dog Man? ¡Te encantará nuestro muñeco gigante Dog Man!
El peluche Chester el mapache (Raccoon) es el pequeño compañero perfecto, con un pelaje sedoso y una dulce cara amable. El corazón rojo que lleva en la mano le recuerda el beso de su madre. Los niños pueden tener cerca nuestro suave muñeco Mapache Chester, junto con los cálidos besos de sus seres queridos, siempre que necesiten consuelo, tranquilidad y compañía.
Bad Kitty no siempre fue una gatita mala... pero cuando Kitty se entera de que no hay ninguna de sus comidas favoritas, se convierte en una gatita muy mala. Los libros de Nick Bruel siguen a Bad Kitty en su divertidísimo paseo por el alfabeto.
Bad Kitty es extravagante, bullicioso y está listo para hacer travesuras con un nuevo amigo. Ahora el tiempo de juego es aún más divertido con nuestra nueva Bad Kitty de 28 cm. Su cuerpo súper suave de color negro azabache y sus grandes ojos amarillos la convierten en una llamativa compañera de juegos.
Love dogs but wish you knew more about them? Brush up on your canine companions using these quiz cards and you'll be leading the pack in no time.
Fun and easy to play with all the family players will enjoy guessing dog breeds, then turning over the card to discover the answer and reveal extra trivia questions.
Which is taller, a Great Dane or an Irish Wolfhound? Where do Border Terriers come from? This family game is the perfect treat for dog lovers and fans of Dog Bingo.
This vibrant journal with colorful exposed binding will inspire the most brilliant ideas. With ten different colors of paper and plenty of room to record Rosy Outlooks, Evergreen Observations, Sunny Thoughts, and more, the sky's the limit!
¡Es una fiesta, una fiesta, una perfecta fiesta de la pizza para Pete el Gato! Nuestro Pete de tamaño original luce su camiseta de rayas rojas I LOVE PIZZA y sus zapatos rojos y azules. Es un gato genial, siempre dispuesto a hacer que cualquier fiesta sea genial. ¿Qué podría ser más perfecto?
Galison’s Paper Dogs Playing Card Set features 50 Reed Evins Paper Dog portraits plus 2 cats for the joker cards! Galison playing card sets are packaged in a sturdy drawer style keepsake box perfect for gifting and easy storage. •Includes 2 decks of cards
Esta marioneta de mano tiene el tamaño perfecto para la hora del cuento, ayudando a los niños a ser como Pete: ¡mantener siempre la calma, incluso cuando las cosas no salen como uno quiere!
Discover the power of color. This unique oracle deck uses the language of color to tap into your intuition.
This vibrant deck explores the links between color and emotion with 45 cards, each of a different hue. Each card features a unique energetic state-like Creativity, Frustration, or Reflection-mapped to a color associated with that energy. The guidebook offers direction on how to interpret the cards as a message from your higher self, as well as how to infuse your surroundings with a card's energy through meditation and altar building. This beautiful and insightful deck features modern minimal illustrations on every card and shining metallic edges, and comes enclosed in a rainbow-colored, foil-stamped keepsake box.
* UNIQUE ORACLE: Drawing from color theory, psychology, and magic, this deck reveals how our deep connection to color is a powerful tool for interpreting energy and accessing the answers within. * GREAT TOOL FOR SELF-REFLECTION: Use these cards for gaining insight into a specific question, contemplating a decision, setting an intention, or for just checking in with yourself. The guidebook includes seven spreads for readings tailored to each of those inquiries. * DISPLAY-WORTHY OBJECT: With eye-catching foil stamping on the box and card edges plus a prismatic design, this deck is as beautiful to display as it is enlightening to use. * GREAT GIFT FOR COLOR LOVERS AND MODERN SEEKERS: This oracle deck is a must-have for fans of the Mystic Mondays Tarot or The Secret Lives of Color.
Perfect for:
* Modern mystics and those who love them
* People looking for a new tarot or oracle deck
* Color lovers, artists, and designers with a mystic mindset
* Gift givers looking for something both inspirational and stylish
Fun activity: help the bees gather nectar to return to their hive.
Roll the dice to go from flower to flower. The first player to turn all their nectar into honey wins. Educational: A fun way to reflect on the environmental importance of bees while also developing fine motor skills.
What's included: 8 wooden flowers, 8 wooden nectar rings in 2 colors, 1 wooden dice, 2 wooden bees, 8 honey coins, and a slide-top keepsake box that doubles as a game board. For 2 players – From 3 years.
This stylish specialty journal is filled with inspiring quotes from feminists past and present, and features a cover stamped with the word "Feminist." It's a must-have accessory for any female and makes a great gift for all the awesome women in one's life.
This innovative folding geometric shape set is perfect for hands-on lessons in symmetry, perimeter, area, surface area and volume. Each three-inch shape folds flat, allowing for illustration of a three-dimensional shape's two-dimensional properties. Edges are all rounded for safety.
Learning Resources Super Bucket Balance. Perfect for measuring liquids or dry items, estimating, comparison and contrasting. Removable, clear 1liter buckets are easy to grip and pour and are marked in increments for convenient measuring. Includes builtin carrying handle and compensator with sensitivity to one gram. Measures 37 cm x 14 cm.
Organize travel memorabilia with this handy take-along album. Protective sleeves in two different sizes preserve keepsakes, from ticket stubs and business cards to photos, postcards, and maps. With space in the margins for jotting down notes, the Travel Stub Diary can be used as a scrapbook of souvenirs or an on-the-go guide to favorite hotspots. Acid-free pages will keep travel memories in tip-top shape for years to come.
"Thanks to Facebook and other social media, post-travel image-sharing is now easy. But what about those theater stubs and other tactile mementos? This book features plastic cleeves for such items as well as space for notes." the New York Times