Charles y Lizzie Peterson son muy buenos con los cachorros. Quieren uno propio, pero su madre nunca ha estado lista para que tengan uno a tiempo completo. Por ahora, ayudan a cuidar a los cachorros que necesitan encontrar un nuevo hogar.
Charles conoce a Princesa, una cachorrita Yorkie mimada pero irresistible. Charles se ofrece como voluntario para cuidar a Princesa hasta encontrarle hogar. Pero en su familia no tardan mucho en cansarse de las formas privilegiadas de Princesa.
Charles and Lizzie love puppies. They want a puppy, they know dogs are a lot of work. But their mom doesn't think they are ready for a puppy yet. Goldie arrives, a sweet and young golden retriever. She doesn't know how to be a good puppy yet.
Lizzie sees finds Spirit in a snow storm. Spirit is a white German shepherd puppy! It's owners found new homes for all of his brothers and sisters, but they still don't have a place for him. Can Lizzie find a home for this helpful little pup?
Bitsy, an itsy Morkie (maltese-yorkie mix) may be the tiniest dog Charles has ever seen. But she thinks she's a big girl and she's full of sassy attitude. Can the Petersons find her a perfect forever home?
Welcome to The Puppy Place--where every puppy finds a home! Charles and Lizzie Peterson love puppies. Their Family fosters these young dogs, giving them love and proper care, until they can find the perfect forever home.
Charles y Lizzie crían perros que necesitan un hogar. Lizzie recibe una llamada telefónica de tía Amanda sobre Oscar, un Schnauzer cachorro que tiene problemas para llevarse bien con otros perros. ¿Podrá Lizzie encontrar a este cachorro como amigo?
Meet Louie the Landseer (a Newfoundland with black-and-white coloring). He's adorable now, but he'll be a huge dog someday. Can Charles and his soccer teammates find Louie a big enough home? Chapter Book.
¡Bienvenidos al hogar de los cachorritos! Lizzie y Charles Peterson adoran los perros sobre todo los cachorritos. Su familia es perfecta para cuidar cachorritos que no tienen un hogar. Algún día, la familia tendrà su propio perrito, pero mientras tanto se alegran de ayudar a los cachorritos a encontrar un verdadero hogar.
El nuevo cachorrito que cuida la familia Peterson se llama Golfo. Es un Jack Russell terrier muy inquieto. Es pequeño, pero causa grandes problemas. Lizzie y Charles no saben qué hacer con él. ¿Podrán encontrarle un hogar apropiado a este cachorrito tan travieso?
Lizzie sees finds Spirit in a snow storm. Spirit is a white German shepherd puppy! It's owners found new homes for all of his brothers and sisters, but they still don't have a place for him. Can Lizzie find a home for this helpful little pup?