Max, no puede creer que Freddy Thresher y su mejor amigo, Robbie, vayan de campamento este fin de semana. Peor aún, la hermana de Freddy, Suzie, ¡le ha apostado a una semana completa de tareas para que sea un gato demasiado aterrador como para pasar toda la noche en la naturaleza!
Getting to Know the World's Greatest Artists series combines a delightful mix of full-color historical reproductions, photos, and hilarious cartoon-style illustrations that bring to life the works of renowned artists.
Lexile 510L l Guided Reading Level M l GRL en español nivel K
Cuando una tormenta se lleva la casa de Conejo, este sale a buscarla con la ayuda de sus amigos, quienes le ofrecen cariño y apoyo. Aun así, Conejo se siente muy triste y se sienta a reflexionar un rato. Sin embargo, cuando cesa la lluvia, está listo para encontrar su camino. Bilingüe.
When Conejo's house blows away in a storm, his friends and neighbors take turns helping him look for it. Though they do not find his house, they each send him on his way with good cheer and small gifts. Conejo is grateful for their support, but still finds himself sitting with sadness for some time. When the rain clears, Conejo finds the courage to rebuild. He fills his new home with the memories, love, and support he collected from his friends along the way.
Si pudieras tener dientes delanteros de cualquier animal, ¿Cuáles elegirías? Si eligieras de elefante, podrías cavar hoyos y arrancar raíces. Si tuvieras de castor, ¡Serían anaranjados! Y si tuvieras dientes de rata topo lampiña, ¡Podrías moverlos por separados como si fueran palitos chinos! El reino animal tiene muchas clases de dientes, ¡pero los tuyos también son maravillosos!
Grow your heart three sizes and get in on all of the Grinch-mas cheer with this special edition of the beloved holiday classic,How the Grinch Stole Christmas, featuring a 3-D cover that allows you to actually SEE the magic of the holiday season as the Grinch’s heart grows and grows!
This eye-catching edition of Dr. Seuss’s beloved holiday classic features a huge lenticular 3-D inset on the cover that when moved shows the Grinch’s heart growing three sizes, and his frown turning into a smile! Available for a limited time only, this is the perfect gift for Dr. Seuss fans of all ages-and a must-have for collectors.
Whether in the hands of a child, or artfully displayed on a coffee table, this very special edition ofHow the Grinch Stole Christmas!will bring huge smiles to the faces of all who see it!
Branches books help boost reading confidence and stamina with easy-to-read text, high-interest content, and illustrations on every page. "A nice stepping stone to more advanced chapter books."-Booklist.
George and Harold are up to their old tricks again, and when their latest prank makes a direct hit on school brainiac Melvin, he decides to get even! But in the blink of an eye -- and the sneeze of a nose -- the Bionic Booger Boy is born! Can Captain Underpants clean up this catastrophe, or will the mucous monster make a mess of things?
Branches books help boost reading confidence and stamina with easy-to-read text, high-interest content, and illustrations on every page. "A nice stepping stone to more advanced chapter books."-Booklist.
Charles y Lizzie Peterson son muy buenos con los cachorros. Quieren uno propio, pero su madre nunca ha estado lista para que tengan uno a tiempo completo. Por ahora, ayudan a cuidar a los cachorros que necesitan encontrar un nuevo hogar.
Tres cerditos gastan su dinero en papitas, soda y algunos materiales de construcción. Así que no es ninguna sorpresa cuando el lobo le derrumba la casa a los dos primeros cerditos. Pero cuando el lobo no puede derrumbar la casa de ladrillos del tercer cerdito, ahí es cuando comienza la diversión. Los dos primeros cerditos le dan al lobo papitas y soda, pero el tercero le prepara una comida saludable. Y todos deciden vivir en un mismo lugar.
Three pigs spend their money on different things: potato chips, sody-pop, and building supplies. It comes as no surprise that a wolf is able to blow down the first two pigs' houses. When the wolf can't blow down the third pig's brick house, everyone comes together and the fun begins. The first two pigs give him potato chips and sody-pop, and the third pig makes everyone a healthy meal. Since only one pig has a house left, the other two pigs and the wolf move in with her. The somewhat bad wolf is no longer hungry.
Join Splat and his class on a field trip to an ice-cream factory in this delectable I Can Read book from New York Times bestselling author-artist Rob Scotton.
Splat can barely sit still during the bus ride. He's imagining the mountain of ice cream he thinks he'll get to eat! But when Splat gets there, that mountain becomes more of an avalanche. It's up to Splat and his classmates to save the day!
Beginning readers will practice the –eam sound in this easy-to-read addition to the Splat series.
Splat the Cat: I Scream for Ice Cream is a Level One I Can Read book, which means it's perfect for children learning to sound out words and sentences. Whether shared at home or in a classroom, the short sentences, familiar words, and simple concepts of Level One books support success for children eager to start reading on their own..
Camilla is very worried about what other people may think about her, but at the very moment she most wants to fit in, she becomes completely covered in colorful stripes! Worse yet, she seems to change colors to match whatever is happening around her.
Discover how it would feel like to be like a chameleon...
¡Ideal para los amantes de los gatos! Especialmente para los amantes de los libros de Richard Scarry ==> Busy Town. Busca los libros disponibles de la colección en nuestra página web para complementar así el regalo perfecto peluche + libro.
¡Este precioso gatito de peluche es el ideal compañero para tus niños y/o niñas!
Muy popular en Busytown, el peluche Huckle Cat es un suave peluche blanco como la nieve con detalles en naranja y está vestido con una camisa amarilla brillante, pantalones grises y tirantes rojos.
Fiel a las ilustraciones originales de Scarry, la ansiosa cara bordada y las orejas levantadas de Huckle Cat muestran que está listo para un día lleno de diversión.
El juguete de peluche Huckle Cat se sienta cómodamente en su autito de felpa azul suave con ruedas de madera que funcionan, focos de plástico transparente e interior en contraste.
Colecciona los peluches de YOTTOY disponibles en
Captain Underpants comes face to face with Wedgie Woman. Can the principal turned superhero conquer evil with spray starch? Flip-animation pages and cartoons keep the action thumping and clever text keeps readers excited all along.
Sometimes Dragon makes mistakes. When he's tired, he accidentally reads an egg and fries his morning newspaper! When he sweeps his dirt floor, he can't seem to sweep away all of the dirt and ends up sweeping a hole into his living room! , 64 páginas, Tapa Blanda, 1x14x18 cms, Dav Pilkey, 5 a 8 años.
Everyone loves Edwina, except the class know-it-all, who tries to convince the others that dinosaurs are extinct. Edwina is shocked! Children will have fun searching the art for hidden pictures of Pigeon and Knuffle Bunny., 40 páginas, Tapa Dura, 1x23x31 cms, Mo Willems, 5 a 8 años.
El personaje clásico de Don Freeman, vestido con su enterito de cotelé verde, no pasa nunca de moda, es el ideal compañero que conmueve los corazones y la imaginación de niños y adultos de todo el mundo.
El peluche también estará disponible en ¡MUY PRONTO!
Glad, sad, silly, mad - monsters have all kinds of different feelings! In this innovative die-cut book, featuring a snazzy foil cover, you'll try on funny masks as you walk through the wide range of moods all little monsters (and kids!) experience.
Here's a fun, interactive way to explore the many different ways we feel!
Caldecott Medal-winning author/artist Ed Emberley provides readers with an imaginatively crafted book that helps children identify and understand their emotions.
Gerald and Piggie are best friends. In I Am Going!, Piggie ruins a perfectly good day by telling Gerald she is going. If Piggie goes, who will Gerald skip with, play Ping-Pong with, and wear silly hats with?
Este lector de no-ficción compara y contrasta 16 feroces tiburones. Los pequeños aprenderán sobre la anatomía, el comportamiento y más de cada pez. ¡Luego podrán comparar y contrastar a los tiburones en pugna hasta finalmente descubrir al ganador! Esta serie de no ficción está llena de datos, fotos e ilustraciones realistas, e incluye una gran variedad de mamíferos, criaturas marinas, insectos y dinosaurios para satisfacer a todo tipo de fanáticos de los animales.
Edgar Degas is famous for his paintings of ballerinas, and that's what first attracts Kristin to his artwork. She discovers that his art ranged far beyond the ballet and she gradually learns exactly what makes his work so unique.
This book compares and contrasts the physical features of some marine animals - everything from their teeth, their fins, and their eating habits to their body size, their agility, and the size of their brains. Children get to guess who they think will win in each battle and then find out who really would be the most likely victor! Series Information In this innovative science series from favorite nonfiction author Jerry Pallotta, readers will learn about dangerous creatures by asking "Who would win?" Each book is illustrated with full-color pictures and features a pair of animals that rarely, if ever, meet in the wild. Young scientists will love using the...
Drake and the other three Dragon Masters (Ana, Rori, and Bo) continue their training. But Ana's dragon, Kepri, is sick. The wizard tries to make her feel better, but his potions are not working.
There is a Lightning Dragon on the loose! The Dragon Masters have to track it down fast, before someone gets hurt by its sparks!! Carlos, the newest Dragon Master, is the only one who might be able to control the young dragon. Lexile 560, Guided Reading Level O, 96 páginas, Tapa Blanda, 1x14x20 cms, Tracey West, 5 a 8 años.
It's time for a field trip! Fly Guy and Buzz are going to the zoo to learn all about snakes. With straightforward text, humorous asides, and kid-friendly full-bleed photographs throughout, young readers will love learning about these slithery creatures.
And this book has eye-catching holographic foil on the front cover!
Branches books help boost reading confidence and stamina with easy-to-read text, high-interest content, and illustrations on every page. "A nice stepping stone to more advanced chapter books."-Booklist.