The Dot
ISBN: 9780545303033
Precio habitual $8.990Autor | Peter H. Reynolds |
Empaste | Tapa Blanda |
Dimensiones | 1 x 19 x 21 cm |
Páginas | 32 |
Edad | 5 a 8 años |
Her teacher smiled. Just make a mark and see where it takes you. Art class is over, but Vashti is sitting glued to her chair in front of a blank piece of paper. The words of her teacher are a gentle invitation to express herself. But Vashti can't draw - she's no artist. To prove her point, Vashti jabs at a blank sheet of paper to make an unremarkable and angry mark. There!she says. That one little dot marks the beginning of Vashti's journey of surprise and self-discovery. That special moment is the core of Peter H. Reynolds's delicate fable about the creative spirit in all of us.
ISBN: 9780545303026
Precio habitual $9.990Autor | Peter H. Reynolds |
Empaste | Tapa Blanda |
Dimensiones | 1 x 19 x 21 cm |
Páginas | 32 |
Edad | 5 a 8 años |
Nivel de Lectura | Lexile 520 |
A creative spirit learns that thinking "ish-ly" is far more wonderful than "getting it right" in this gentle new fable from the creator of the award-winning picture book The Dot.
Ramon loved to draw. Anytime. Anything. Anywhere. Drawing is what Ramon does. It's what makes him happy. But in one split second, all that changes. A single reckless remark by Ramon's older brother, Leon, turns Ramon's carefree sketches into joyless struggles. Luckily for Ramon, though, his little sister, Marisol, sees the world differently. She opens his eyes to something a lot more valuable than getting things just "right."
Combining the spareness of fable with the potency of parable, Peter Reynolds shines a bright beam of light on the need to kindle and tend our creative flames with care.
Oh, the Places You'll Go! Lenticular Edition
ISBN: 9780593119150
Precio habitual $35.990Autor | Dr. Seuss |
Empaste | Tapa Dura |
Dimensiones | 1 x 20 x 28 cm |
Páginas |
56 |
Edad | 5 a 8 años |
With a 3D lenticular cover, Dr. Seuss’s wonderfully wise send-off for grads or anyone moving from one phase of life to another now LITERALLY moves!
This eye-catching edition of Dr. Seuss’s wonderfully wise tale about facing life’s ups and downs features a huge lenticular 3D inset on the cover that when tilted, shows the main character flying off into the sky in a balloon! Whether in the hands of a child, or artfully displayed on a coffee table, this very special edition of Oh, the Places You’ll Go! makes an idea gift for anyone starting a new phase in their life–whether nursery school, high school, or college graduations; weddings; or retirement!
Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are?
ISBN: 9780394827193
Precio habitual $29.990Autor | Dr. Seuss |
Empaste | Tapa Dura |
Dimensiones | 1 x 21 x 28 cm |
Páginas |
64 |
Edad | 5 a 8 años |
Dr. Seuss’s irrepressible optimism is front and center in Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are? The perfect send-off for grads getting ready to venture off into the world!
“When you think things are bad, when you feel sour and blue,when you start to get mad . . .you should do what I do!”
So begins the terrific advice of the wise old man in the Desert of Drize. This classic book provides the perfect antidote for readers of all ages who are feeling a bit down in the dumps. Thanks to Dr. Seuss’s trademark rhymes and signature illustrations, readers will, without a doubt, realize just how lucky they truly are.
Soñando con Vincent
ISBN: 9789561237018
Precio habitual $11.990Autor | Roberto Fuentes |
Ilustrador | Carlos Denis |
Empaste | Tapa blanda |
Dimensiones |
Páginas | 40 |
Edad | 5 a 8 años |
Pablo ama el arte, la literatura y la música, y anhela conocer a sus creadores favoritos. En el mundo real, el Síndrome de Down a veces le "congela el cerebro", pero en sus sueños es capaz de viajar en el tiempo y el espacio, en esta ocasión al momento justo en que Vincent va Gogh está pintando su más famosa obra: La noche estrellada. En un emotivo encuentro, lleno de sensibilidad y de magia, Pablo y Vincent intercambian opiniones diversas sobre el arte y la imaginación, y ambos aprenden a valorar aquello que los hace únicos y diferentes
Mismos autores de "Cuando Grande Quiero ser". Ilustraciones de Carlos Denis inspiradas en el arte de Van Gogh.
INVENTORAS y sus inventos
ISBN: 9788494743238
Precio habitual $26.990Autor | Aitziber López, Luciano Lozano |
Empaste | Tapa Dura |
Dimensiones | 1 x 22 x 31 |
Páginas | 32 |
Edad | 5 a 8 años |
¿Te has fijado en los objetos, máquinas y muebles que tienes a tu alrededor? Todos han sido inventados por alguien. Y muchos de ellos fueron ideados por mujeres, por chicas que, como tú, querían mejorar el mundo. Es imposible hablar de todos los inventos y de todas las inventoras, pero aquí tienes una bonita y divertida selección. ¡Acércate un poco más y zambúllete en un mundo de progreso!
Ya sabemos mucho sobre lo que hicieron «ellos» y ahora toca hablar de «nosotras».
Explora nuestra colección de libros destacados. Todos los meses podrás ver nuestra selección de libros que no te puedes perder.