Discover Aldo Leopold’s big ideas about preserving nature and ways even the youngest kids can help, too!
Little children can make a big impact on the environment. Aldo Leopold transformed his childhood love for nature into a life dedicated to protecting and preserving the environment. He encouraged the idea of keeping wilderness areas untouched, so that all people could visit areas free of human interference.
Kids will come away from this book excited about the nature they have access to and how to help preserve other wilderness areas.
Look for all of the books in the Big Ideas for Little Environmentalists series: Conservation with Jane Goodall, Restoration with Wangari Maathai,and Ecosystems with Rachel Carson.
¿En qué piensas cuando escuchas o lees la palabra arte? ¿En pinturas? ¿Dibujos? ¿Cerámica? ¿Escultura? El arte es asombroso, divertido y cautivador. Artistas del pasado y del presente han creado cosas maravillosas para que todos las conozcamos: desde pinturas rupestres prehistóricas, frescos, mosaicos y vitrales hasta magníficas pinturas, esculturas y obras maestras contemporáneas. Con el paso del tiempo, muchos de los materiales han sido sustituidos por otros más modernos y, en paralelo, se han desarrollado nuevas formas de utilizarlos. Este libro presenta 100 términos cuidadosamente seleccionados -cada uno con su propia ilustración y descripción- que, en conjunto, proporcionan una fascinante introducción al mundo del arte: técnicas, herramientas, ideas, movimientos artísticos, inventos... Tu única misión es pasar las páginas y explorar el arte desde la antigüedad hasta nuestros días.
What Goes on inside a Beaver Pond?takes kids ages 8 to 10 on a journey through a year in the life of a young beaver (called a “kit”). This is an exciting year as the young beaver leaves her family lodge and moves throughout the Yokun Brook waterways, seeking a new home for herself. Throughout the seasons, vibrant illustrations and descriptions reveal the hidden inner-workings of a beaver lodge, how beavers fell trees with their teeth and create a wetland habitat, how they collect food and ward off predators, and what daily life is like within a beaver colony. Educational side panels enhance the story with details about beaver behavior and anatomy, as well as information about what other animal inhabitants of the pond are up to throughout the year. Author Becky Cushing Gop is an environmental educator and director of Mass Audubon’s Pleasant Valley Wildlife Sanctuary where the story takes place. Nature illustrator Carrie Shryock’s lively and charming graphics bring the young beaver’s story to life for nature-curious kids.
On every page of this beautiful board book, Fiona Lee’s charming illustrations invite little ones to celebrate a wonderful tree, learn its name, and say thank you for the tree’s joyful, natural gifts. From thanking a magnolia tree for its pink blossoms and a birch tree for a branch to swing on to thanking a maple tree for its colorful fall leaves and a cedar for a secret hiding place, this sweet book teaches the youngest readers to celebrates trees for their leaves, branches, flowers, fruits, and more.
Step into the magical and rich world of Chinese mythology with tales of gods, goddesses, the Monkey King, the White Snake, and more in this gorgeous, fully illustrated collection of myths and fairy tales.
Do you know how the world began? Or why there is wind and rain? Have you ever felt lucky and wondered where luck comes from? Are you curious about the unseen and unknown? People have been asking these questions for thousands of years, with different cultures coming up with different answers to explain the universe. The myths in Chinese Mythologydate back to ancient China, where the Jade Emperor ruled from the Heavens alongside other deities, and when the world was filled with supernatural figures, including snake-women, animal tricksters, ghosts, demons, dragons, and more. Journey through the world’s creation and the rule of heaven to the powerful shaping of earth and the rise of humanity in these stunning, exciting, and mystical tales from China, written by the author of A Kid’s Guide to the Chinese Zodiac and illustrated in stunning, bright, magical pictures.
The #1 New York Timesbestselling The Wild Robot series returns, taking Roz on an action-packed under-the-ocean journey to save her beloved island!
Life for Roz and the animals on their island is perfect. But when mysterious, dangerous waters surround the island, the animals are forced inland to fight over dwindling resources.
Roz calms and organizes the animals, but the poison tide takes a terrible toll on the island. So the wild robot sets out across the ocean, determined to stop the poison tide. During her journey, Roz encounters amazing geological formations and incredible creatures, and she sees the devastation caused by the toxic waters. Can the wild robot save the ocean and her island and everything she loves?
This thrilling third installment of the Wild Robot series takes readers on a new adventure through the ocean and to the frigid northern waters where Roz may have to make the ultimate sacrifice.
The thrilling sequel to the #1 New York TimesbestsellingThe Wild Robot, by award-winning author Peter Brown
Shipwrecked on a remote, wild island, Robot Roz learned from the unwelcoming animal inhabitants and adapted to her surroundings–but can she survive the challenges of the civilized world and find her way home to Brightbill and the island?
From bestselling and award-winning author and illustrator Peter Brown comes a heartwarming and action-packed sequel to his New York Timesbestselling The Wild Robot,about what happens when nature and technology collide.
Wall-EmeetsHatchetin thisNew York Timesbestselling illustrated middle grade novel from Caldecott Honor winner Peter Brown Can a robot survive in the wilderness? When robot Roz opens her eyes for the first time, she discovers that she is all alone on a remote, wild island. She has no idea how she got there or what her purpose is--but she knows she needs to survive. After battling a violent storm and escaping a vicious bear attack, she realizes that her only hope for survival is to adapt to her surroundings and learn from the island's unwelcoming animal inhabitants. As Roz slowly befriends the animals, the island starts to feel like home--until, one day, the robot's mysterious past comes back to haunt her. From bestselling and award-winning author and illustrator Peter Brown comes a heartwarming and action-packed novel about what happens when nature and technology collide.
It's Puppy's birthday and Kitty can't seem to do anything right in this brand new graphic novel adventure byNew York Times-bestselling creator Nick Bruel, for fans of DOG MAN and INVESTIGATORS.
Toddlers learn skills for being patient that make waiting easier for everyone. Toddlers live in the moment. When they want something, they want it now. But learning self-control and delayed gratification will set up young children for success in school and in social settings. Practicing patience is the key. With her trademark mix of empathy and encouragement, author Elizabeth Verdick acknowledges that waiting can be frustrating and offers toddlers simple ideas to make waiting easier. Little ones can use waiting time to watch the world around them, listen to music, tell stories, sing songs, whisper, play games, build with Legos, draw pictures, move or stretch, and more. Children learn, "I can wait a while. I can do it with a smile." In this twelfth addition to the best-selling Best Behavior board book series, Marieka Heinlen's vivid illustrations of young children interacting with their caregivers and families bring warmth and fun to every spread. The book closes with tips to help parents and care providers foster patience in young children. Best Behavior(R) Series The Best Behavior series uses simple words and delightful full-color illustrations to guide children to choose peaceful, positive behaviors. Select titles are available in two versions: a durable board book for ages baby-preschool, and a longer, more in-depth paperback for ages 4-7. Children, parents, and teachers love these award-winning books. All include helpful tips and ideas for parents and caregivers.
Young children learn that they get lots of chances to try again every day.
Oops! We all make mistakes. This reassuring book shows toddlers that mistakes are okay and helps them build resilience and independence. “Try-again time is learn-and-grow time. Take it slow . . . Ready—set—GO!” With gentle guidance on how to cope with the big feelings that come with making mistakes, young children are encouraged to think positively about their abilities and to keep trying. A timely addition to the beloved Toddler ToolsⓇ series, Try-Again Time helps young children develop a growth mindset, learn how to persevere, and practice self-regulation skills. The back of the book provides active suggestions and tips for adults to manage try-again time together. “You might need two tries, or three, or MORE . . . that’s what trying again is for!”
Toddler Tools® series Daily transitions and routines can be a struggle for any toddler, as well as parents and caregivers. These award-winning, positive books can help ease the many challenging “times” that are a part of every toddler’s day. Share them before (or during) the desired “time,” or whenever toddlers need encouragement with routines. Select titles are available in English-Spanish bilingual editions.
En este exitoso e internacionalmente aclamado libro ilustrado, el club local de las mascotas no permite la entrada del elefantito de un niño, así que él encuentra una solución que involucra a toda suerte de animales inusuales.
Hoy es día del club de las mascotas. Habrá gatos y perros y peces, pero no se permiten elefantes. El club de las mascotas no entiende que las mascotas pueden ser de todos los tamaños y las formas, al igual que los amigos. Ahora llegó el momento de que un niño y su elefantito les demuestre lo que significa ser un amigo de verdad.
No se permiten elefantes se ha vendido por todo el mundo y es celebrado como un libro perfecto sobre el tema de la inclusión. Imaginativo y lírico, este dulce cuento atrapa la magia de la amistad y la dicha de tener una mascota.
En el tercer libro de la exitosa serie Escuela de espías de Stuart Gibbs, que ha aparecido en las listas de los más vendidos delNew York Times, el superespía Ben Ripley se pasa al lado oscuro como agente encubierto dentro de la mismísima escuela de espías malvados de ARAÑA.
Cuando expulsan a Ben de la escuela de espías, es reclutado por la malvada organización criminal ARAÑA para su programa de entrenamiento. Ben acepta con la secreta esperanza de estar actuando como agente encubierto al servicio de los buenos. Como era de esperar, ARAÑA está tramando algo a gran escala y terriblemente siniestro. ¿Podrá Ben descubrir qué maquina ARAÑA y avisar a los buenos sin ser descubierto antes de que sea demasiado tarde?
Monica wants to play with the moon, so her papa sets out to get it. It isn’t easy to climb to the moon, but he finally succeeds—only to find it’s too big to carry home. The way in which this problem is solved is a joyful surprise. This delightful story about a father’s love literally unfolds as pages open dramatically, extending both outward and upward.
Mónica quiere jugar con la luna, así que su papá se propone traérsela. No es fácil subir hasta la luna, pero por fin lo logra…solo para descubrir que es muy grande para llevársela a casa. El modo en el que el problema es resuelto es una alegre sorpresa. Esta encantadora historia acerca del amor de un padre se desdobla literalmente ante el lector, ya que las páginas se abren dramáticamente y se extienden hacia afuera y hacia arriba.
Viaja a la selva amazónica en donde catorce especies de monos conviven en armonía en este divertido e informativo libro escrito por la reconocida autora Melissa Stewart y el ilustrador ganador de la Mención de Honor del premio Caldecott, Steve Jenkins.
En el Parque Nacional del Manu en Perú, catorce asombrosas especies diferentes de monos viven juntas… ¡más que en cualquier otra selva del mundo! ¿Cómo hacen para convivir? Averígualo en este lírico cuento ilustrado que explora los hábitos, dieta y hogar de cada especie de mono para demostrar cómo este delicado ecosistema y sus criaturas viven juntos en armonía. Desde el mono coto (mono aullador) hasta el maquisapa (mono araña) y el musmuqui (mono nocturno), los pequeños lectores gozarán el aprender sobre estos increíbles primates y ver la sorprendente manera en la que comparten su bosque.
¡Conoce a los adorables personajes del exitoso programa preescolarCoComelonen este libro de cuentos!
Anímate a venir con JJ mientras hace la mochila y tartera para ir a la escuela. Al llegar a la escuela, juega con sus compañeros, come una merienda, echa una siesta, y aprende sobre los colores y las formas. ¡La escuela es tan divertida!
CoComelon es el programa infantil de mayor popularidad en YouTube (con más de 166 millones de subscriptores) y el programa más popular en Netflix!
Siguiendo los pasos de Alison McGhee en su clásico Someday, la popular ilustradora Amy June Bates debuta como autora junto a su hija de once años con este oportuno y perenne libro sobre la aceptación.
Al lado de la puerta delantera hay una sombrilla. Es grande. Es tan grande que cuando comienza a llover hay espacio para todos debajo de ella. No importa si eres alta. O si llevas ropa a cuadros. O si eres peludo. No importa cuántas piernas o patas tienes.
No te preocupes de que no habrá suficiente espacio bajo la sombrilla. Porque siempre habrá espacio.
Exuberantes ilustraciones y un sencillo texto lírico tocan con sutileza los temas de inclusión y tolerancia en este cuento encantador que la exitosa ilustradora Amy June Bates escribió a cuatro manos con su hija, Juniper, mientras caminaban juntas a la escuela bajo la lluvia.
The Little Olympians have decided to start a camp paper to report on all their feats! Hermes writes about an archery contest that Artemis wins. However, when the paper comes out, most of the article is about Apollo and how well he did, and Artemis is only mentioned briefly. She confronts Hermes about this, and he says he was just really impressed by Apollo, and Apollo's bragging made for a better story. Can Artemis get the boys to understand how it feels to be overlooked?
The Little Olympians are out on a field trip to an actual Greek town! They're enjoying their time in the city and seeing all the human things there, but are having trouble fitting in without getting noticed. However, the trip changes from fun and games into a rescue mission when Hermes, Zeus, and Athena overhear a plot for a surprise attack on the town at sundown. Athena and Zeus stay to keep watch on the town, while Hermes must run a marathon all the way to Athens and back to get their help. Will he be able to brave being on his own for the first time and all the dangers of the road, such as a raging river, a storm, and a Sphinx, to save the town?
The next book in this series follows Athena as the Little Olympians prepare for their own Olympic Games! All the other gods brag about what competitions they'll win because of their powers--Artemis and Apollo will surely win any bow-and-arrow practice, Ares will win any strength competition, and Hermes will win any footrace--but in what event can Athena possibly take the gold? Sure she's wise, but she can't match their godly powers . . . or can she?
As the games begin, Athena has to find unconventional ways to stay in the competition. Will she be able to use strategy and cunning to win the Olympics and show that knowledge is the ultimate power?
Zeus is living with his parents, Kronos and Rhea, and he's starting to show his abilities, but his lightning is out of control! Every time he sneezes or gets mad, or is even just plain bored, his lightning shoots out. He tries to keep it under wraps most of the time, but he can't help it, and it causes such a ruckus that his parents decide that it's time he learns to properly use his powers.
So they send him to Eureka, a camp where little gods learn to use and control their supernatural abilities. He's excited to be able to learn to use his powers here, but he's also nervous about going and meeting all the other gods. Apollo and Ares in particular seem very strong (and they let him know it), but he finds friends in the calm and wise Athena and the wisecracking Hermes. But after some trouble with classes, he starts to get discouraged. Will he be able to control his powers with the help of his friends?
When Goldilocks finds the coziest cabin she’s ever seen, she goes inside to explore. As she samples the porridge, chairs, and beds, she’s doesn’t notice who is right outside the window . . . Could it be the bears? From the creator of Little Bunny's Sleepless Night, comes a fresh and irresistibly appealing new version of a nursery favorite.
Elephant is enjoying a peaceful walk with his green umbrella, when suddenly a Hedgehog says: I believe you have my boat. Elephant listens patiently as Hedgehog insists: I crossed deep oceans . . . tasted the salty spray of whales [in that umbrella-boat]. Cat, Bear, and Rabbit soon interrupt Elephant—each claiming that his umbrella is really their tent, flying machine, and cane. Elephant is flabbergasted—after all, it’s an umbrella, and it certainly hasn’t been on any adventures more exciting than a walk in the rain. Or has it?
Ten dogs wait in the window for a family just for them. As the dogs get adopted, one by one, each illustration shows the number of dogs still waiting for their new homes. The chant-aloud, rhyming text makes counting down great fun, and children will love guessing just which dog each new customer will buy.
Even in rags, Cinderella is a hundred times more beautiful than her cruel stepsisters. And how she wishes to go to the prince’s ball! But her sisters delight in telling her that people would only laugh at her at the palace. Fortunately, Cinderella is blessed with a fairy godmother who can turn pumpkins into golden coaches, lizards into footmen, and rags into riches. At the ball, Cinderella will have the most thrilling night of her life—until the stroke of midnight!
This Newbery Honor Book is a heartfelt and witty story about feeling different and finding acceptance -- beyond the rules. Twelve-year-old Catherine just wants a normal life. Which is near impossible when you have a brother with autism and a family that revolves around his disability. She's spent years trying to teach David the rules from "a peach is not a funny-looking apple" to "keep your pants on in public" -- in order to head off David's embarrassing behaviors.But the summer Catherine meets Jason, a surprising, new sort-of friend, and Kristi, the next-door friend she's always wished for, it's her own shocking behavior that turns everything upside down and forces her to ask: What is normal?Rules joins the Scholastic Gold line, which features award-winning and beloved novels. Includes exclusive bonus content!
Every picture tells a story! A classic Waldo adventure enjoys a refreshed cover — plus two new pages of searches.
Ever the globe-trotter, Waldo is eager to show you his pictures. But not so fast — you have to find them first! Enter Odlaw’s Picture Gallery and admire thirty peculiar portraits, then try to track down their subjects in the maddeningly intricate scenes that follow. And your challenge is just beginning! There are hidden characters and objects to hunt for, spot-the-difference spreads, silhouettes to match with originals, and plenty more. Happy hunting — it’s truly an art!
Going somewhere? Staycationing at home? Slip this awesome, travel-size Waldo compendium into a backpack for fun and games wherever you may be.
Whether on the road or just hanging out, keep boredom at bay with a handy collection of Waldo adventures featuring puzzles, searches, mazes, games, and more—including complimentary game cards and a poster. Divided into five sections, each for a different character—Waldo, Wenda, Woof, Odlaw, and Wizard Whitebeard—this compact flexi-back volume can easily go anywhere you do, with a handy elasticized closure for wrapping things up when your day’s adventures are done.