He’s quick. He’s silent. He has five rows of deadly teeth. Chomp! Meet the shark―the fish who ruled the deep before dinosaurs roamed the Earth! This fish has soft cartilage so he can glide, twist, and turn before his prey can say "gulp!" He can smell a single drop of blood in 25 million drops of ocean. He can feel electricity given off by his prey. He will lose and replace more than 10,000 teeth in his lifetime. Cool photos bring kids into the shark’s world. Fun facts go deep into the shark’s scary science.
What if a KOMODO DRAGON and a KING COBRA met? What if they had a fight? Who do you think would win?. Compare and contrast the two ferocious reptiles, their anatomy, behavior and more.
What would happen if a polar bear and a grizzly bear met each other? What if they had a fight? Who do you think would win?
This nonfiction reader compares and contrasts two ferocious bear species. Kids learn about the bears' anatomies, behaviors, and more. This book is packed with photos, charts, illustrations, and amazing facts.
Despite the disapproval of his parents and his formidable science teacher, nine-year-old Allen is determined to do his school science project on human photosynthesis--turning sunlight into food for humans.
With a seemingly permanent half-smile on their face, koalas are appealing to boys and girls alike. Filled with adorable photos, and carefully leveled text, this level 1 reader introduces beginning readers to these furry creatures, from cub to adult, exploring where they live, what they eat, and even the way they say "hello"―by touching noses!
If a scorpion and a tarantula met and had a fight, who would crawl away the winner? Get the facts, then referee an awesome arachnid battle!
Thrilling facts and detailed illustrations about two of nature's creepiest creepy-crawlies fill this easy-to-read nonfiction book!
In this innovative science series from favorite nonfiction author Jerry Pallotta, each book is illustrated with full-color pictures and features a pair of animals that rarely, if ever, meet in the wild.
Young scientists will love using the book's easy-to-read facts and their own imagination and reasoning skills to decide for themselves which one would be the winner.
Butterflies are all around us. It's hard to believe these majestic insects with impressive wingspans and beautifully colored and patterned wings were once creepy crawly caterpillars. How in the world does this transformation happen?
This Level 1 Reader gives kids an up-close look at exactly how a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. With bonus information including different types of butterflies and poisonous caterpillars, this reader is one of a kind.
This high-interest, educationally vetted series of beginning readers features the magnificent images of National Geographic, accompanied by texts written by experienced, skilled children's book authors.
Rainforests cover only a small amount of the planet, but they have more unique plants and animals than anywhere else on Earth. Packed with captivating photos, this Level 2 reader reveals the layers of rainforests, the difference between temperate and tropical rainforests, and some of the amazing animals that live in these important ecosystems. These key features make National Geographic Level 2 readers a winner with kids, parents, and educators:
Expert-vetted text appropriate for age level 5 to 8 and grade level K to 3rd grade
Brilliant and eye-catching National Geographic images
High-interest topic
A fun approach to reading
Accessible, yet wide-ranging information for kids ready to read on their own, perfect to encourage the scientists and explorers of tomorrow!
They run in packs, stalk their prey, and howl at the moon. And no matter where you are―they're always lurking somewhere nearby. Wolves, the predatory puppy dogs of the wild, are feared and loved by people everywhere. But are they misunderstood? In this fascinating level 2 reader, you'll learn that there's much more to being a wolf than most people could ever believe. Did you know that each pack has a pecking order? That wolves can "talk" to each other using body language? Or that they're actually not out to attack humans, they usually leave people well enough alone? Full of incredible photographs and interesting information, Wolves will appeal to all kids.
With their beautiful white fur and powerful presence, polar bears rule the Arctic. These majestic giants swim from iceberg to iceberg in chilling waters, care for their adorable cubs, and are threatened by global warming. In this level 1 reader you'll learn all you ever wanted to know about polar bears and so much more.
Complete with fascinating facts and beautiful images, National Geographic Readers: Polar Bears can't miss.
Rookie Read-About® Science brings a broad array of topics to vibrant life with striking, full-color photos and just the right amount of fun, factual, fascinating text.
"You can find spiders almost anywhere. Some spiders live in hot, humid rain forests.
Others live in hot, dry deserts.
They live in water and woods, trees and gardens - and in people's homes.
Not many animals have been around as long as spiders.
Explora la selva tropical continente por continente de una manera que los jóvenes lectores podrán experimentar de primera mano las diferencias que existen entre la flora y la fauna de América del Sur, India y áfrica.
Our solar system: eight planets, as well as numerous moons, comets, asteroids, and meteoroids. People thought Earth was at the center of the Universe, but that changed in the 17th century with Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Kepler, and Isaac Newton.
The whole world loves panda bears. Everyone loves to watch them play, climb, cuddle, and chew. But careful, they can scratch too―just look at that tree! Pandas live in wild places very far away, and they are the STAR ATTRACTIONS of every zoo that keeps them safe and well, all over the world.
Discover the coolest robots of today and tomorrow in this colorful, photo-packed book. In this inviting and entertaining format, kids will learn about the science behind these amazing machines. This Level 3 reader is written in an easy-to-grasp style to encourage the scientists of tomorrow!
A charming children's encyclopedia bursting with all the information your child needs, explained clearly in words and pictures.
This book of essential knowledge will inspire young minds to learn about big topics, through fun facts and beautiful illustrations.DK Children’s Encyclopediais a must-have resource for every kid's bookshelf, covering over 250 topics all in one place!
This is the ultimate knowledge book for children aged 7-9, written and designed by a team of experts, checked by educational consultants, and edited for appropriate reading age. Children can enjoy learning all about big topics from Myths and Legends, to Viruses and Space Exploration, to keep curious minds active and engaged.
Inspire your child’s curiosity with this encyclopedia:
- Beautiful illustrations, colorful maps, and wonderful photographs bring every page to life - An inspiring and informative book that will absorb and engage children of all ages - 16 brand-new pages will keep the book completely relevant for today’s children, as well as being more representative and inclusive - Covers every prime subject, including science, nature, geography, history, and culture
This children's encyclopedia is packed full of exciting information for 7-9 year olds, covering science, nature, geography, history, culture and more! Encourage early learning in a fun and captivating way through gorgeous visuals and fun facts about important topics.
From geckos to iguanas, komodo dragons to chameleons, lizards are about the most awesome animal around! They inhabit every continent except Antarctica. Some are lethal. Some change color. Some have suction cups on their feet.
There is enough fascinating information about these animals to fill an entire library of readers! But we've taken the absolute coolest information about the coolest animal and compacted it in this fascinating level 2 reader, perfect for anyone who loves slippery, slimy, creepy, and crawly.
They waddled into stardom in National Geographic’s March of the Penguins film. These guys are now nature’s ROCK STARS! If you’re age 5, you’re probably as tall as an Emperor. But why do they throw up so much? March this way, and find out all!
Corren en manadas, cazan a sus presas y aúllan frente a la luna. Y no importa dónde estés—siempre están escondidos en algún lugar cerca. Gente de todo el mundo teme y ama a los lobos, los cachorritos depredadores del mundo salvaje. ¿Pero realmente los entendemos? En este libro fascinante para niños de nivel 2 en español, aprenderás que la vida de un lobo es mucho más complicada de lo que nosotros creemos. ¿Sabías que cada manada tiene su jefe y sus seguidores? ¿O que los lobos“hablan” entre ellos usando sus cuerpos? ¿O que realmente no quieren atacar a los humanos, que nos prefieren dejar en paz? Lleno de fotografías increíbles e información interesante, NGR Lobos es divertido para todos los niños.
WHAT WAS THAT? That’s the roaring burp of a bullfrog! SEE THAT? That’s the slick, shiny skin of colorful little rainforest frogs! Alive with froggy facts, this book has the coolest photos to bring kids deep into the swampy world of our amphibian amigos.
A princess who was never expected to become queen A queen who loved and owned many corgi dogs The longest-reigning monarch of the United Kingdom
How did a little girl who loved horses become the longest reigning monarch in England? Find out in this addition to the #1New York Timesbest-selling Who Was? series!
In 1936, the life of ten-year-old Princess Elizabeth of York changed forever. Although she was a member of the British Royal Family, she never expected to become queen. But when her uncle Edward gave up the throne, suddenly her father was the new king, which meant young Elizabeth was next in line!
Queen Elizabeth reigned for seventy years, and while there were palaces galore, the crown jewels, and trips around the world, her life was one of strict discipline and duty.
This riveting chronicle follows the life of a woman who was both a public figure and an intensely private person and explores how she kept the monarchy together through good times and bad.
This fascinating addition to our best-selling Who Was…? series does not settle questions of theology. Instead, it presents young readers with a biography that covers what is known historically about Jesus and places in his life in the context of his world when Jerusalem was part of the Roman Empire. In an even-handed and easy-to-read narrative, this title–illustrated with eighty black-and-white drawings–also explains the early origins of Christianity and how it became a major religion.
What if a blue whale and a mosquito had a fight? Who do you think would win?
This nonfiction reader compares and contrasts two unlikely animals: a blue whale and a mosquito! Readers will learn about each animal's anatomy, behavior, and more. Then compare and contrast the battling pair before finally discovering the winner!
This nonfiction series is full of facts, photos, and realistic illustrations, and it includes a range of mammals, sea creatures, insects, and dinosaurs to satisfy all kinds of animal fans.
What if a coyote and dingo had a fight? Who do you think would win?This nonfiction reader compares and contrasts two ferocious animals: a coyote and a dingo! Readers will learn about each animal's anatomy, behavior, and more. Then compare and contrast the battling pair before finally discovering the winner!This nonfiction series is full of facts, photos, and realistic illustrations, and it includes a range of mammals, sea creatures, insects, and dinosaurs to satisfy all kinds of animal fans.