La clase de la Srta. Frizzle organiza una campaña de reciclaje. Pero cuando Phoebe pierde su collar, los chicos se suben al autobús para ir a buscarlo.
¡A que no adivinas lo que pasa cuando la clase llega al centro de reciclaje!
¡Súbete al autobús mágico y aprende todo sobre el reciclaje!
From first haircut to first ice-cream cone, each year brings a new cycle of experiences
With each new year come countless little wonders. From the highs—first snowfall, first new umbrella, first beach trip—to the lows—first missed bus, first lost umbrella, first sunburn— every year older means another cycle of everyday experiences. In their clever, playful, observant picture book, acclaimed author Cheryl B. Klein and illustrator Qin Leng explore many truths of childhood through a calendar year of small moments that, all together, comprise what it is to be a kid.
Chester's finally ready to write his own masterpiece --- he just needs to get Mélanie Watt out of the way! A wry take on the creative process and how good stories are constructed.When Chester (the cat) announces he's taking over for Mélanie Watt on this book due to some technical difficulties*, Mélanie begs to differ. She tells him that no one will want to publish his messy book. And she demands that he return her supplies so she can get to work. Chester insists he can create the best, most original story anyone has ever read in their entire nine lives. Only, his attempts don't quite work. Even with Mélanie's prodding, Chester struggles to find his own story to tell. Hmm ... will the real author and illustrator have the last laugh after all?*Mélanie's art supplies and computer mouse have mysteriously gone missing.Here's another hilarious Chester picture book from award-winning and bestselling author-illustrator Mélanie Watt. The story is told through the dialogue between Watt, who communicates on sticky notes, and Chester, whose comments are tucked around his creations, which sprawl across the spreads and include loads of tape, staples, and torn-out notebook paper. Chester himself, as drawn by Watt, and his trusty red marker dominate the action, and the pure silly fun makes this a popular read-aloud. Bits of humor can be found all over the pages --- including running commentary from an actual mouse --- encouraging visual literacy. With its wry take on the creative process and how good stories are constructed, this is also a perfect companion to lessons on the parts of story, including genre, setting, plot and characters.
These super-engaging reproducible pages give kids proofreading practice in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar. Each activity offers a humorous twist on a folk or fairy tale to boost students" interest. Plus, they"ll enjoy a variety of formats such as fractured tales, diary entries, poems, letters, and much more. Includes an answer key.
Medusa brags and brags about her beauty. She loves to look in the mirror. She loves to tell others that she is the prettiest. Find out what happens when a young lady spends all of her time bragging?
This special edition includes a story and related Let's Learn Together activity to help you assist your child be better prepared for school. The additional activity pages provide you with fun ways to reinforce basic early-learning skills and early childhood social/emotional concepts.
This joyful story of one young girl's morning journey slowly turns into an adventure as shadows become tightropes, a marble transforms into a sea of azure and leaves sound like crunchy cookies. A wonderful tribute to the power of a child's imagination!
One day Sam, the most scaredy-cat kid in the whole world, makes a terrifying discovery. It’s not Frankenthaler the monster. It’s her friend-Kerry! Kerry, the second most scaredy-cat kid in the whole world, also makes a terrifying discovery. It’s not Leonardo the monster. It’s his friend-Sam! “AAAAH!” yells Sam. “EEEEK!” yells Kerry. Something has to be done. Something BIG. But what?
¡Puedes complementar este libro con el libro "Leonardo the terrible Monster" adonde también aparece el personaje principal de este libro: Sam!
A lo largo de la historia de Estados Unidos, siempre ha habido mujeres que han alzado sus voces para protestar por la injusticia, aun cuando tuvieron que luchar para ser escuchadas.
A principio de 2017, la postura de la Senadora Elizabeth Warren, al negarse a ser silenciada durante un debate en el Senado, provocó un espontáneo homenaje a todas las mujeres que han perseverado ante la adversidad. En este libro, Chelsea Clinton rinde homenaje a trece mujeres americanas que contribuyeron a forjar los ideales de nuestro país gracias a su tenacidad, a veces alzando sus voces en señal de protesta, otras, optando por no levantarse de su asiento o cautivando al público. Todas ellas persistieron.
Ella persistióes para todos los que en alguna ocasión han querido alzar su voz, pero han sido silenciados, para los que han tratado de alcanzar las estrellas, pero les han dicho que es mejor no intentarlo, y para todos aquellos a los que en algún momento los han hecho sentir insignificantes, pequeños, sin importancia.
Las vívidas y persuasivas ilustraciones de Alexandra Boiger muestran a los lectores que no importan los obstáculos que encuentren en el camino, nunca deben abandonar sus sueños. Perseverancia es poder.
Award winning author/adapter/illustrator Paul O. Zelinsky’s Caldecott Medal Winning book! Perfect for readers of all fairy tales.
“A breathtaking interpretation gives the fairy tale new art-historical roots, with illustrations that daringly-and effectively-mimic the masters of Italian Renaissance painting.”–Publishers Weekly
Trapped in a tower with no door, Rapunzel is allowed to see no one but the sorceress who has imprisoned her-until the day a young prince hears her singing to the forest birds. . . . The timeless tale of Rapunzel is vividly and magnificently brought to life through Paul O. Zelinsky’s powerful sense of narrative and his stunning oil paintings.
“Simply put, this is a gorgeous book; it demonstrates respect for the traditions of painting and the fairy tale while at the same time adhering to a singular, wholly original, artistic vision.”
Introduce your littlest rocker to early concepts through the creativity of Janis Joplin in this fun and entertaining book that is perfect for the next generation of music lovers.
Featuring eleven spreads pairing elements of Janis Joplin with simple words, this isthebook for any Janis fan, young or old.Baby Janisteaches babies and toddlers a variety of nouns (heart, baby, half moon, pearl, tattoo, guitar, etc.).
Este es Max. Y hace rato que debería estar en la cama. Max tiene mucho sueño. Antes de irse a la cama, Max solo necesita darle las buenas noches a la Luna. Pero... ¿dónde está la Luna?a su manera.
Violet and Victor Small are twins on a mission: to write the best book in the whole, entire world--together! Victor is reluctant, but Violet is determined, and soon the ideas can't come quickly enough.
They begin to write a story about a hungry Bookworm who is eating all the books in the library. Thanks to Victor's brilliant ideas, Violet is able to save the day (and the library).
This delightful story-within-a-story is filled with good-natured sibling rivalry, and focuses on the spirit of cooperation, the satisfaction of a job well-done, and the magic of storytelling.
The early reader series from the dynamic duo of Newbery Honor author Cynthia Lord and New York Times bestselling illustrator Derek Anderson now features Hot Rod Hamster in his spookiest adventure yet!
It's Halloween and Hot Rod Hamster is going to a party! But first, he must come up with a costume that's fun and spooky enough to win the contest. Can you help him?
With the same bouncing rhythms, fun choice rhymes, and daredevil antics that made the picture books so popular, this original Level 2 reader will be a sturdy stepping-stone for Hot Rod Hamster fans as well as series newcomers as they move on to independent reading. The years Ms. Lord spent as a first-grade teacher have given her the perfect sense for what language and storylines work best for emerging readers. This new adventure skillfully emphasizes word families and rhyming structures with pedal-to-the-metal flare! Little boys and girls will race to collect this latest story from their favorite furry friend.
Hop into the early-reading driver's seat and join Hot Rod Hamster and his buddies for loads of spooky fun!
For his birthday celebration, Nick has challenged his friends --- Yulee, Sally, Pedro and Martin --- to spend the day without using any single-use plastic. This means they use their own cloth bags for shopping, they say no thanks to plastic straws and, instead of balloons, they decorate with kites and streamers made of natural materials. The children discover that not using plastic is not that hard. They also learn about what plastic is made of, how much of it surrounds us and how it's polluting our oceans and affecting the food chain. Most importantly, the five friends learn ways to use less --- including just saying NO! The book concludes with fun ideas for readers to do a No-Plastic Challenge of their own!This friendly introduction to a timely and urgent topic is part of Scot Ritchie's popular Exploring Our Community series. It will raise awareness of just how much plastic we use every day, and why that matters. Rather than focusing on the negative, however, the book takes a positive, proactive approach to the subject, empowering children with ideas for what they can do about it. As with all the books in the series, this one features friendly, appealing illustrations and the same diverse cast of characters. It has strong curriculum ties in science, including environmental awareness, sustainability and stewardship. It also offers terrific character education lessons in responsibility, citizenship and initiative.