This vibrant journal with colorful exposed binding will inspire the most brilliant ideas. With ten different colors of paper and plenty of room to record Rosy Outlooks, Evergreen Observations, Sunny Thoughts, and more, the sky's the limit!
The magic of the New York Times bestseller Press Here is now available in game form! Hervé Tullet has reimagined his groundbreaking book in an entirely new dimension. Players take turns completing color sequences by placing red, blue, and yellow playing pieces on one of twenty-five fabulously designed game boards. What seems like a simple choice is likely to lead to animated discussion as players come to understand the visual logic at the heart of the game. With two levels of play to choose from—so that it's easy enough for a toddler to grasp, but also complex enough to challenge older siblings and adults—this engaging game delivers hours of entertainment for the whole family.
Galison’s Paper Dogs Playing Card Set features 50 Reed Evins Paper Dog portraits plus 2 cats for the joker cards! Galison playing card sets are packaged in a sturdy drawer style keepsake box perfect for gifting and easy storage. •Includes 2 decks of cards
Work with other players to find the missing dog whilst avoiding saboteurs in Who Let The Dog Out, a unique card game of social deduction from Ridley's Games! The game is based in the town of Barksville, a great place to live where the residents pride themselves on their community spirit. However, there is someone untrustworthy in the neighborhood who has let their neighbor's dog out! You and your fellow players form the search party to locate the missing dog, scouting out locations around town. Can you be trusted to find the dog and reunite the owner with their lost pooch? Or will you sabotage the hunt and lie about the location? Contains instructions, 54 game cards, 56 tokens and town map. 4-8 players. Ages 10+. 30 minutes average gameplay. Share who you think let the dog out on social media by using #wholetthedogout.
Naomi Soledad León Outlaw ha tenido que enfrentarse a mucho en su corta vida, empezando por su nombre. También está el problema de su ropa (hechas por su abuela en tela de poliéster), su timidez y la fama que tiene en la escuela de no ser nadie especial. Pero según su abuela, la mayoría de los problemas se solucionan con mentalidad positiva. Y su vida, junto a su abuela y su pequeño hermano, Owen, en el parque de casas móviles Avocado Acres, es tranquila y feliz... hasta que su mamá aparece luego de siete años, creando confusión y retando a Naomi a que averigüe quién es.
La primera novela para jóvenes adultos de Claudia Martínez es una historia agridulce sobre la muerte, la familia y la resistente fuerza emocional del corazón humano. Chela González, la narradora del libro, es una empollona y jugadora de fútbol que apenas puede contener su emoción por empezar el sexto curso. Pero nada es como ella imaginaba: su mejor amiga la abandona para unirse a las chicas populares y todas actúan como si Chela no existiera. Chela se sumerge en las tareas escolares y en el cálido confort de su familia. Para Chela, su familia es como un sistema solar, en el que su padre es el sol y su madre, hermanos y hermana son como planetas que giran a su alrededor. Es el único mundo en el que encaja. Pero ese universo se ve amenazado cuando su fornido padre sufre un derrame cerebral. La abuela de Chela se traslada para ayudar a la familia. El olor de su perfume de anciana invade la casa. Ese olor es peor que los domingos. Los domingos eran tristes, pero se iban tan seguros como llegaban, pero la muerte era otra cosa, y Chela no entiende que eso es lo que todos esperan. En su dolor y preocupación, Chela comienza a descubrirse a sí misma y a encontrar su propia fuerza.
Animals. American History. Earth Science. Geography. Health. Space. True Books covers all this and more in photo-filled chapter books that provide a basic introduction to curriculum-relevant topics. Ideal for today's young investigative reader, each True Book includes lively sidebars, a glossary and an index, plus a comprehensive To Find Out More section listing books, organizations, and Internet sites. A staple of library collections since the 1950s, and redesigned with a fresh new look in 1996, the new True Books series is the definitive nonfiction series for elementary school readers.
Esperanza creía que siempre viviría con su familia en su rancho de México: siempre tendría vestidos elegantes, una casa preciosa y sirvientes. Pero una tragedia repentina obliga a Esperanza y a su madre a huir a California durante la Gran Depresión y a instalarse en un campamento para trabajadores agrícolas mexicanos. Esperanza no está preparada para el duro trabajo, las luchas financieras o la falta de aceptación a la que ahora se enfrenta. Cuando su nueva vida se ve amenazada, Esperanza debe encontrar la manera de superar sus difíciles circunstancias: la vida de mamá, y la suya propia, dependen de ello.
Pam Muñoz Ryan retrata con elocuencia la difícil situación de los trabajadores mexicanos en esta abundante y apasionada novela que da voz a quienes históricamente se les ha negado una. "Cuando era niña, siempre asumí que mi abuela había crecido en la pobreza porque las historias que contaba eran principalmente sobre la crianza de sus hijos en campos de trabajo agrícola en California en la década de 1930. No fue hasta que fui joven cuando me habló de su infancia en México. Me conmovió tanto su historia de riqueza a trapos que me sentí obligada a compartirla". - Pam Muñoz Ryan.
Un padre desaparece misteriosamente. Años después, su hijo vuelve al pueblo para tratar de resolver el misterio.
¿Qué hay del otro lado? ¿Quiénes son estos espíritus? Una historia pendiente llevará al protagonista por derroteros inciertos e inesperados. En suma, un viaje a lo desconocido.
Getting to Know the World's Greatest Artists series combines a delightful mix of full-color historical reproductions, photos, and hilarious cartoon-style illustrations that bring to life the works of renowned artists, combining poignant anecdotes with important factual information for readers (Ages 8-9).This book provides an entertaining and humorous introduction to the famous artist, Michelangelo. Full-color reproductions of the actual paintings are enhanced by Venezia's clever illustrations and story line.
Take your seats, because Where Is Broadway? is ready to take center stage!
In a lively and engaging style, authors Douglas Yacka and Francesco Sedita cover the development of the first theaters and the birth of the American musical, as well as the shows and stars that have become Broadway legends. Readers will get the inside story on their favorite shows and may even discover some new ones.
How does an organism go from a tiny seed to a towering tree? How are seeds made in the first place?
A True Book: Incredible Plants series introduces young investigative readers to many types of unusual and typical plants from photosynthesis, how they grow, and ways they survive in extreme environments. This series includes an age appropriate (grades 3-5) introduction to curriculum-relevant subjects and a robust resource section that encourages independent study.Follow the life journey of these living things from seed or spore to plant, and back again. Learn what it takes to burrow roots into the ground and extend up toward the sun, sprouting leaves, flowers, spores, or pollen along the way.
It’s another normal day in Alaska, where the beauty of the rugged landscape makes the hardships of winter worth enduring. This Northern life is good, you think, when suddenly—without warning—your world is ROCKED! The ground sways beneath your feet with sickening force. You’ve just been caught in the second strongest earthquake in history!
Witness to Disaster: Earthquakes uses eyewitness accounts and pulse-racing narrative to bring readers into the terrifying heart of an earthquake. The first chapter documents the 1964 Alaskan quake that shook Prince William Sound with a 9.2 magnitude force, and set off a tsunami that ultimately caused most of the deaths attributed to this frightening act of nature. The following chapters explore the deadly history of earthquakes and the seismic and geological science of this phenomenon. Readers learn how and why earthquakes occur, and what scientists can do to prevent casualties. The expansive back matter includes a list of sources to discover more about these fearsome catastrophes.
It’s another beautiful day of your paradise vacation in South Asia. You look out onto a calm sea on this day after Christmas, already looking forward to ringing in 2005. But why is the ocean receding so far from shore? Are those fish flapping around in the sand? Something is not right. Your island getaway is about to be devastated with the 80-foot-plus waves of one of the worst tsunamis in history.
The 2004 Asian Tsunami was the result of the second largest earthquake ever recorded. Lasting over eight minutes, it was also the longest on record. The quake measured 9.0 on the Richter scale, large enough to vibrate the entire planet, violent enough to move an ocean. Through eyewitness accounts and dramatic photography, the first chapter of Tsunamis puts you in the terrifying path of the wave that washed ashore in many countries. The tsunami wiped out whole communities and claimed an estimated 230,000 lives. Tsunamis explores the science, history, and personal experience of tsunamis and shows kids what scientists are doing to develop early warning systems so we can survive such disasters in the future.
Are we alone? Or could life on alien worlds really exist? David A. Aguilar, space artist extraordinaire, shows readers what creatures living on extrasolar planets might be like, using real science and stunning otherworldly illustration. Just as Earth creatures have adapted to use the air, water, gravity, and other elements of Earth, creatures on planets orbiting distant stars would adapt to their environments. In Alien Worlds, David A. Aguilar explores seven types of alien-friendly worlds and the fun ways the creatures would adapt to the conditions. Accompanied by beautiful photo-realistic artwork, this book will open any kid's eyes to the likelihood that we are not alone.
From the first wheel to the International Space Station, the miracles of engineering are all around us. Think cars, bridges, skyscrapers, and yes – even bubble wrap! Engineers dream up new ideas and bring them to life while figuring out creative solutions to problems they encounter along the way. But how do they do it? Find out in Solve This! In this fun book, kids are confronted with wacky scenarios like this one: You're playing with your little sister when a vulture swoops down and grabs her favorite teddy bear. Mid-flight, the vulture realizes it doesn't care for the taste of fake fur and drops it to the ground. But now the plushie is on the other side of a raging river. How do you stop your sister from crying, stay safe, and save the day? Each challenge invites kids to think creatively to problem solve. Then they can see how different National Geographic explorers tackled the challenge. One of the big lessons? There's often more than one solution!
Travel back in time and into the not-so-distant future to dissect, explore, and discover how all kinds of things do what they do! Along the way, you'll learn why cotton candy is so fluffy, how scientists built a space suit for Mars, and what goes into animating your favorite cartoons.
Look inside, take it apart, turn it over, and figure out how things work! Quippy descriptions, full-color diagrams, and brilliant photographs make even the most intimidating subjects completely accessible--and totally fun! (We're looking at you, space robots.) For every explanation, we touch on basic principles and then dive deeper. Just want to know what terraforming is? We've got you covered. Want to know how to terraform, say, Mars? We'll explain that, too.
But this book isn't just for explaining things. We'll also introduce you to the dreamers, scientists, and innovators who create this amazing stuff. You'll meet a NASA engineer, an underwater archaeologist, and a chocolate scientist. You'll learn what it's like to fly a plane into the eye of a hurricane--on purpose.
Following on the success of National Geographic's How Things Work and How Things Work: Inside Out, How Things Work: Then and Nowtackles a whole new batch of extraordinary and everyday things--from man-made to natural, historic to futuristic.
Leonardo Da Vinci fue uno de los pintores más importantes de la historia, además de un talentoso músico, y un estupendo científico e inventor. Construyó máquinas voladoras, submarinos, ¡e incluso helicópteros!
Sin embargo, le costaba mucho terminar las cosas que empezaba. Por eso, hoy en día solamente lo conocemos por sus obras más famosas, pero hay mucho más...
Descúbrelo todo en este libro.
Coincidiendo con los 500 años de la muerte de Leonardo da Vinci, estrenamos esta fantástica serie sobre diferentes personajes icónicos de la historia. Los libros son biografías ilustradas que cuentan la vida y obra de cada una de las diferentes personalidades. Una forma entretenida de aprender y de divertirse mientras conocemos y repasamos distintas personalidades de la historia.
¡Grrr! Buen humor, mal humor y hasta el humor típico del regreso a la escuela...Judy Moody cambia de humor muy fácilmente, y ¡en un día puede pasar por todos! Un interesante proyecto que le asigna el maestro el primer día de clases pone a Judy y a sus compañeros de humor para cortar y pegar…
Para empezar, Judy Moody no tiene grandes esperanzas para el tercer grado. Su nuevo escritorio no tendrá una calcomanía de armadillo con su nombre. Su nuevo salón de clases no tendrá un puercoespín llamado Roger. Y con su suerte, se quedará atascada sentada en la primera fila, donde el Sr. Todd se dará cuenta cada vez que intente pasar una nota a su mejor amigo, Rocky. Judy, una aspirante a médico, tiene un hermano pequeño que es útil para practicar la medicina, una nueva mascota genial y una enorme colección de curitas. Judy también tiene mucha individualidad y actitud, y cuando el Sr. Todd asigna un proyecto de clase muy especial, ¡realmente tiene la oportunidad de expresarse!
True Books have been upgraded and updated. Information is presented in a thorough yet engaging manner, featuring lively sidebars, a glossary, visual back matter, and an index. Inside you'll find:
* The name of China's boy emperor;
* A map, a time line, photos - and the reason for building the Great Wall of China;
* Surprising, TRUE facts that will shock and amaze you.